Denali Coven (5) *edited*

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Adacella's P.O.V

"Where to now?" I asked Bella and Edward.

"The Denali coven."

Jacob sat in the back with Nessie and me. Two weeks have passed and I looked 11. My age was beginning to speed up than other times slow down. Seems like my age number was on its period.

"The cousins?" Nessie questioned. Oh yeah! The cousins.

"Yes, the cousins." Bella looked towards me than Nessie. She shook her head and smiled in response than turned back around.

"What if they don't like me." Nessie asked out of nowhere.

"They'll love you!" I quickly cut Bella off, "It's hard not too!"

Bella and Edward smiled at my enthusiasm but, hey! I'm about to meet new people and family.

A house slowly came into view. A nice cozy looking cabin. A brunette couple and two blondes came rushing out of the house.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"The man is Eleazar and the women next to him is Carmen. The blonde with straight hair is Kate and the curly haired is Tanya." Edward sent us smiles and parked the car than got out. I watched him talk with the girls than Bella got out.

They looked back at us and Jacob gave us the 'signal'.

"Let's go." He muttered.

Nessie hesitated but I took her had and we both walked out. The Denali's gasped and backed away upon noticing us.

"You created immortal children ?!" I heard Tanya yell. Next thing I know, Bella and Edward were trying to calm them down by explaining Bella's 'conceiving' and our birth when she was still human.

Nessie slowly went and touched the face of Tanya afterword.

"It's true." I heard her mutter.

"Edward, you should've said that your eldest had a gift." Eleazar looked at me and I stood back.

"Gift?" I questioned, "I don't have anything. Was I supposed to bring a gift?"

Laughing rang throughout the snowy front heard. My eyebrows arose in realization,

"Oh. That type of gift."

"Yes, that type of gift. The ability to steal other's powers and make them your own. No touch needed but a look," Eleazar did a brief paused than continued, "You seem to have mind reading already, a shield, future seeing and emotions to change and feel."

Edward tensed next to me from the mention of shield.

"That's cool." I giggled, "Is that all to my gifts?"

"Well, once the gifts are taken, they come to you two times better."

"May I?" I looked towards the side and saw Carmen wanting to reach into my hand. Extending my hand, I felt her grab it in her own.

"Soft and Warm." She muttered.

I felt myself then get pulled into a tight hug. Strands of straight blonde her came into my eye level view.

"Really warm." Kate said.

Pulling away, I went in to shake her hand but as soon as I did, she was on the ground withering in pain as electrocution went up her hand.

"I'm so sorry! Cha!" I screeched and backed away. I felt pressure begin to be pressed upon my right shoulder. I was then pulled back behind Bella as she hid me for protection. Katy stood up after a few seconds and calmed down.

"It's fine." She sent me a small smile than smirked, "I like this one already."

A giggle released from my lips moments upon her comment and I decided to use it back on her,

"I like her already, cha..."

A laugh escaped everyone's mouth soon after. That day consisted of getting to know the Denali coven better for Bella, Nessie, Jacob and myself.

A/N: Getting closer to the part where the Volturi are being met! I'll type away 'till I land on that scene! Excuse my crappy writing and any spelling mistakes/errors but English isn't my first language. Spanish is! What a coincidence... not. Anyway, enjoy the chapter lovelies!🌸

Edit- Anybody have an idea where I got the 'Cha' from?
Hint- Shannarō!

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