Meet The Covens(6) *edited*

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~'~'~'~'~'~'1 Months Later~'~'~'~'~'~' (14 Years of Age Look)

Adacella's P.O.V

Before the covens flooded our house, I decided to play my most favorite song on the piano. It was entitled 'A Thousand Years' by Christina Perri. It seems as I wasn't alone while playing but of course, I didn't have the deficiency to notice that. While growing in the past months, I found out that I had a talent of learning new things fast. Too fast. I already learned how to speak Italian, French and Spanish rather fluently. I also learned how to play baseball and soccer like a professional. My instruments now included of the violin, piano, cello, and flute. I learned everything fast and in moments, not that I was complaining.

Different keys filled my mind as I tried thinking on what scale I was in and whether it was a major or minor. I noticed I was in the Major scale. E Major to be exact. Flats were placed here in there as I skimmed through the song searching for any pick-up notes. I detested pick-up notes. Having to play on the 'and'(s) were not my best thing. 1-e-and-a. Those sixteenth notes. I mostly hated tremolos. Upon arriving at my final note, I heard clapping from behind me. My head turned quickly to look towards the back of me giving myself a minor whiplash.

I saw new covens and people standing there with Nessie next to them.

"Quite beautiful." A man with dark brown hair, tan skin, and red eyes said slowly coming up to me, "My name is Benjamin. I'm from the Egyptian Coven. This is my mate Tia. That's Amun and Kebi."

I grinned upon noticing him, "I'm Adacella Valentina Cullen." I've practicing my name in Spanish and so far I loved it! Nice to meet you."

I shook his hand real quick. There were still three covens left to come that wouldn't be here 'till another month or so. I decided on practicing my gifts from there and smiled sheepishly at the man name Benjamin.

"My very deepest apologies but, I have to go! My gifts don't perfect themselves y'know. Oh! And thanks for your gift of elements!" I ran out the room laughing and swarmed past my parents.

"Adacella!?" I heard Edward scream. I looked behind and stopped running, or rather a tree made me stop running. I landed on the ground with a loud 'Thud!' and groaned in pain. I heard Emmett's laughter from behind me.

"Shut it!" I hissed. Getting up, I rubbed my head and walked towards Edward and Bella.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Meet Zafrina and Senna." Looking up, two tall women who I instantly recognized as being part of the Amazon Coven. Their skin really is a beautiful color! So flawless and perfect! I want it! A thought flooded my mind as I looked towards Zafrina. Visual Projection. That's her power. I decided to use it against her. I thought of a sunset day at the beach. Just like the day Dad and Mom took me over to La Push during a sunset.

Both of them paused and looked around amazed by their own powers. Edward and Bella were projected by the power instantly. They each looked around amazed by such a sight.

I stopped the power and looked towards them.

"It was nice meeting you Senna and Zafrina! But I do have to say, please excuse me but I have to go. Bye mom and dad!"

I sped off deeper into the woods and began to think on what to use first.

"Ah. Yes! Fighting and knives."

I looked towards the trees and made a mark with my eye to cut off a branch surrounded by other smaller and bigger ones making it a hard shot. Turning around, I looked at the other trees and waited patiently. I took out a Kunai, a traditional Japanese type of knife, and a Shuriken, also Japanese. Than without another moment to spare, I turned back towards the tree full speed and threw the kunai. It flew out of my hand and cut straight through the branch than two more. They landed on the ground quickly upon being cut.

"Great! Now for flexing!"

I took five paces back than ran at the tree in front of me and climbed it with my feet back flipping. My left leg went straight up into the air like as if kicking someone who was about to land on me after jumping. I did this for a while than decided that it as all for the day. But before running back home, I brought a fist out and slammed it against a tree, sending the tree flying back.

'CHA!' Inner me yelled.

Turning back around, I ran into the house and saw another person there. He had a weird accent that Edward called British! Now that I think about it,  I've heard a lot about England. And so far, I love their accent.

I decided to say 'Hello' to him than another person who walked straight in the house... and seemed to be Kate's mate.

'Looks like she, or rather much he, finally found his/her mate.' I though

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