Something New (12) *edited*

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Adacella's P.O.V

"So not necessary for you guys to be here." I sighed, "My reluctant movements." I muttered.

"Hmm, reluctant indeed." Jane said from besides me. We continued walking down the streets of Italy enjoying the cool winter breeze that blew straight into out faces. The guards were wearing regular clothes with the twins wearing blue contacts. Since it was grey out and still raining slightly, no hoods were needed. Demetri had slipped on blue contacts too, with Felix wearing a pair of green/brown like ones. We turned on a corner and as soon as we did, I began hearing voices. Voices that seemed to be screaming in pain and agony. Different thoughts scrambled around my mind an in instant. I began to feel pain, like as if my brain was being burned to nothing more but crumbs or maybe even worse... dust. My breath hitched, my legs began to feel unstable and at last, I fell to my knees. I didn't scream not whisper or cry. I just laid on my knees, paralyzed from the pain.

I felt a hand come in contact with shoulders causing me flinch away quicker than I've ever moved before. My eyes began to burn. I felt like crying yet no tears came out. My mind wandered off to more pain and the screaming that went on in my mind. The burning in my eyes became worse. I opened them up and as soon as I did, the world turned red. Red people running around screaming. Red building falling to the ground. Red everything. My eyes closed instantly from the bloody massacre I saw, the pain becoming almost unbearable.

3rd P.O.V

The four guards stayed back in fear of helping Adacella. They watched her, as her eyes than opened. Jane gasped upon seeing them turn into a scarlet red color that was not meant to be. She closed her eyes after a while and looked towards the buildings. The metal from the windows in the buildings behind them began to unhinge off. They flew around Adacella as she controlled them without looking. A human who was sitting on the ground in front of them began to move up in the air slowly. Adacella's hand moved him in the air. It seemed that she didn't know what she was doing. She was being controlled by pain. The pain was telling her every move without her giving a second thought.

Demetri, having seen enough, ran up behind her and brought her into a hug. He pulled her body close to his chest and kept her tucked in his... well... not warmth but coldness. She cried and moved away from his chest in the quickest movement that he couldn't react to keeping her close. Jane tried going in to grab Adacella but her new found quickness got her to move away fast enough from the full-fledged vampire. Alec and Felix tried next but failed and fell on top of each other in a rather awkward position. But suddenly, she didn't feel pain. She felt numb. Her whole body became num. She couldn't feel the fire or the burning she felt before. Instead, she understood what was happening. She understood why this was all going on. She needed an escape to calm down. The guards took a step back and watched her fall to her knees.

Demetri ran towards her in a split second and stepped in front of her body. Adacella managed to calm down the slightest bit. Her eyes opened and they stayed scarlet. The fire once consuming her insides the moment he touched her made a small gasp escape her lips. The metal around her fell to the ground. The human who was still in mid air fell to the ground landing with a loud Splat! The voices became less and less. She stood up and moved towards Demetri in a quick fast movement. The Volturi necklace around her neck was left in Jane's hands. The black cloak that they made her wear was left stranded on the ground.

Alec and Felix felt something warms wrap around them then leave faster than the vampire eye could see. Jane felt a hug than something smooth on her hands. An envelope. The last person was Demetri. Something soft and smooth landed on his lips. The taste and aroma of something sweet was left behind. The next thing her knew he was dragged away into an alley way. A dark alley way. Soft warm lips landed on his again in a furious kiss. Knowing who it was exactly, he kissed back with as much- if not even more fierceness and love.

Adacella felt something stir inside her stomach. Butterflies- as humans called it. She deepened the kiss not caring about her fast pants and oxygen. She felt Demetri pull her body closer to his as more love was poured into the kiss. Her left hand flew up to his hair and tangled themselves in his light brown locks. Her breaths became short after awhile as the oxygen left her body.

'Damn oxygen.'

Pulling away slowly, Demetri bit her bottoms lip in a turn-on move as she slowly parted away from him.

"So this is love." She smiled.

"This is love." Demetri breathed out.

Adacella's P.O.V

My whole body left Demetri's after the kiss. I had to escape and now. I couldn't live here. In this country. This continent. This World. This dimension. I have to leave and have to leave now. I grabbed Demetri and pulled him back towards the others. Than, I ran. I ran and ran making sure to cover up my scent and pull my shield. I wasn't a vampire. I couldn't be one. This is more than just some silly vampire mythology story. This is all fake. This is nothing more...




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