A New Age (2) *edited*

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3rd P.O.V

It's been three days since Bella's 'death.' No sound was heard for a while until later on, a brown haired female, with a royal blue dress slightly cut from the left side of her knee, walked into a room full of animal-blood drinking vampires, a werewolf and 2 half humans half vampire babies. Renesmee was the first handed to Bella.

"Your youngest." Alice smiled. Renesmee held a tiny hand to Bella's face. A memory flooded through her mind of the first time she held her and her sudden 'death.'

"What was that?" Bella questioned.

"She showed you the first memory she has of you." Edward smiled.

"Showed me... how?"

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted. And so is the first."

Alice handed Adacella to Edward, "This is our eldest."

A smile graced Bella and Edward's faces.

"What's her name?" Bella asked. Edward was quick to reply,

"Adacella Valentina Cullen. Rose and Alice decided on something different and more... Italian."

"It's beautiful." Bella smiled.

Bella watched her daughter in front of her raise a hand and lift the vase sitting on the white counter. Her tiny hand came down and it flew across the room crashing against the wall.

"What?... How...?" Bella couldn't understand.

"Manipulation, though, it seems she has more." Edwards watched his daughter giggle and reach out a hand to grab his chin.

Jacob stood back for a few seconds before deciding it was time to take away Renesmee form Bella. He went in front of Rosalie and outstretched a hand to Renesmee.

"Ok, that's enough." Jacob began acting overprotective of Renesmee.

"What's your problem? " Bella hissed.

"Oh, do tell her, Jacob. " Rosalie smirked at this point.

"This should be good." Emmett smiled.

Adacella giggled as if she knew something was going to happen and clapped her hands wildly while gurgling.

"Seems that Cella does too." Emmett joked.

Bella continued with her glaring at Jacob. The tension in the air grew larger by the second causing Edward to HAVE to take Renesemee away from Bella.

"Hold on a second, Bella." Edward holds out s hand and takes Renesmee in his left arm while fixing Cella on his right.

"Look. It's a wolf thing." Jacob began to try and reason out what was happening hoping for no fight.

"What's a wolf thing?" Bella walked closer to Jacob.

"Um... you know we have no control over it." Jacob looked scared by that point and oh, if looks could kill he would most certainly be dead.

Bella scowls as she figures out what Jacob meant, "You imprinted on my daughter?"

"We can't choose who it happens with. And it doesn't mean what you think, Bella. I promise."

"Take Renesmee and Adacella out of the room." Bella became passed angry at this point.

"Oh..." Jacob trailed off and gulped.

Edwards moved closer and touched Bella's shoulder while making sure not to drop Adacella.

"Edward, don't touch me right now. I don't want to hurt you... or our daughter."

Bella grabbed Jacob by his neck and pulled him out of the house. She slammed him up against a tree with great force causing the Cullen's' to tense up. Bella could kill him at any minen with a free will and the Cullens' most certainly did not want that.

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me three days ago? That's gone now, right? " Jacob questioned.

"Long gone." Bella hissed.

"Because it was her. From the beginning, it was Nessie who wanted me there." Jacob tried to explain himself.

"Nessie? You nicknamed my daughter after the Loch Ness MONSTER?" Bella yelled furiously at the person she used to call her best friend.

Bella lunged at Jacob again. Seth, in wolf form, jumps at Bella to protect Jacob. Without breaking her strides, Bella slammed Seth aside and into a tree.

"Seth, are you okay?" Jacob asked.

"Seth, I'm sorry." Bella stood back regretting what she had just done.

"He'll be all right. Bella, you know me better than anyone. All I want is for Ness..."

Bella began scowling again.

"...Renesmee to be safe. Happy. Look, nothing ever made sense before. You, me, any of it. And now I understand why. This was the reason. "

Bella sighed in resignation. Over at the side, Adacella watched everything with a smile on her face and clapping hands as she giggled happily at the fight. Bella walked back towards Adacella's direction and took her away from Edward.

A/N: Second chapter on my second day. So far so good to me, but my opinion doesn't matter as much as you lovely people's does. Tell me what you think and if I should continue or not.

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