Growth Sperg (3) *edited*

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A/N: That's Adacella up there and her current outfit being worn for the beginning of the chapter.

3rd P.O.V

By the next day, Adacella looked to be just two years old. Bella and Edward walked into the kitchen and just to find Carlisle, Emmett and Jacob. Rosalie was outside cuddling Renesmee while Alice and Cel, as they decided to nickname her, were nowhere in sight.

"Wow. Done already." Emmett smirked at the sight of Bella and Edward. Before either could make a snarky remark back, the phone rang.

The room became quite as Bella stares at the phone.

"Is that Charlie?" She questioned.

~•~•~•~•~•~•With Alice & Cel•~•~•~•~•~•~•~

"Doesn't this look adorable!" Alice gushed as she brought out a baby pink and baby blue floral dress with matching baby pink ballerina flats, baby pink tights and a baby blue cardigan.

A giggle escaped her little niece's mouth, saying that she loved it.

As Alice went to look for another outfit, she handed to child to Jasper and began walking deeper into the store named 'Carter's'.

"How's this."

Alice pulled out a pink long sleeve, white tights, grey skirt with small ruffles at the bottom and pink with grey buttons at the top, pink Uggs, and a grey beanie.

Adacella stayed quite while staring at the outfit. Jasper could easily read her emotions and couldn't help but to smile.

She was tricking her aunt into thinking that she didn't like the outfit. Smart baby.

"Do you not like it, Celly?" Alice frowned and pouted a little.

A smile outstretched onto the baby girl's face as she gurgled and clapped her hands.

"Nice! Nice! Nice!" She chanted over and over again while clinging on tightly to Jasper.

The male smiled awkwardly as people around them stopped to stare at the girl with a smile adorning their faces.

"Great, let's go get more clothes and buy them!" Alice squealed.


~•~•Cullen's Residence (an hour later)~•~•

Alice and Jasper got back home just to hear the news and what had happened with Charlie.

Alice slipped the contacts on Bella's eyes and waited for her to adjust to them.

Adacella came waltzing through the door with a small smile adorning her chubby cheeks.

"Mama!" She dived into Bella's welcoming open arms. Bella pressed her porcelain frigid pale cheek up against Adacella's warm chubby ones and smiled. A smile spread across the pale faces in the room. Edward stood back for a moment laughing lightly until deciding to take his daughter and let his wife prepare for her father's arrival.

"I'll take her." Edward grabbed Adacella's outstretched chubby fingers.

"Bye bye!" Adacella waved at everyone gurgling and smiling a grin like never seen before.

"Bye, Adacella!" They all waved back smiling and muttering low things about how "adorable" and "cute" she was.

Adacella's P.O.V

I felt myself be lifted and carried away into another room. Dad slowly put me down on the ground next to Renesmee. I watched my younger sister smile in glee upon seeing me. Almost immediately we both went in for a hug. Edward began laughing at our reactions of finally staring at each other. I decided to try out my little sister's name for the first time.

"R-R-enesss-mmmee." My 's' came out sound like a snake while the 'm' like a grumble.

Edward slowly came in front of me and placed me carefully on his lap. Edward seemed amused at my trying and began trying to teach me.

"R-e-n-e-s-m-e-e." Repeating after him carefully, I messed up the first few times but finally got the hang if it after a while.

"Renesmee." I cheered happily. Edward stopped and stared at me for a while causing me to frown. After a while of having a stare down contest, he grabbed my cheeks lightly,

"You have dimples!" He beamed happily, "But from who?" I heard him questioned lightly than decided to shrug it off. An unfamiliar voice was heard from downstairs.

"Let's meet Charlie." Edward requested. Picking up both his daughters he began to descend down the stairs.

~•~•~•~•Snow Flakes Catching~•~•~•~•~

Nessie flew up into the sky and caught another snowflake. A month has passed since I've met Charlie and I officially looked like I was 9. Nes looked like she was barley 7. Jacob was standing next to us in wolf form. I hugged the black hoodie with my leather jacket over it closer to my body. A sudden thought came to mind on how fast I was growing. I felt like I would die soon since I was growing faster than Nessie.

"Mom?" I glanced up at my mother. She took her eyes off of Nessie and peaked down at me.

"Yes, honey?" Her eyes showed admiration and support towards my small figure.

"When will I die?" She was taken back by my questioned. A stutter arose her lips as she seemed in utter shock and displeasured as a painful look crossed her face.

"Why do you ask that, Cel?"

"Well, I'm growing faster than Nessie." I stared at her for a while longer as she stared at me looking up and down. I put my head down in shame at my completely stupid question.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you."

Jacob came closer to me and lightly nuzzled his fury head against my neck.

"Don't worry, Cella, you didn't upset me, you're fine." I looked at my mother an hugged her then ran with Nessie and began to catch snowflakes with her. Looking over at the other side of the woods, a blond figure stared right at Nessie and me.

Going back to the ground, I screamed at my mom and ran towards her side with Nessie, slightly terrified.

"Who is that?" Nessie asked.

"Irina!" Mother screamed after her and tried to run towards her but was stopped by Irina running off to.

"That's our cousin from the Denali Coven." Bella began to lead Renesmee and I back to the Cullen's household residence.

'It seems we have another problem.' Jacob thought.

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