To Leave and Suffer (9) *edited*

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Adacella's P.O.V

I decided on changing my attire as soon as I got back home. The first thing I did was take a nice warm shower. After finishing I got changed and began packing. My maroon scarf was the first thing I saw as soon as I got in my walk-in closet. It was a gift from Alice the day I went shopping with her and woke up looking 12. Sighing, I pulled it out and decided to wear it with my outfit. I took out my two huge black and one blue suitcase, than my three other smaller, more medium, black ones.

I began packing jeans, skirts, and shorts on the first black one. Then the second black one included packing my shirts and scarves. The next one was my dresses. The first black small one was my panties, socks, and bras. Than I went over to my shoes for the next one. The final was included of jewelry, earphones, IPod and IPhone, speakers, perfumes, deodorant, and a stash of different candies which included of strawberry and watermelon flavors, chocolates, that I hope don't melt, and Smarties. Quickly spraying some, or a lot, of perfume , I rushed own the stairs feeling gloomy.

"Cel," The first person I saw was Emmett, "Why?" I ran into his strong arms and went in for a hug.

"I'm sorry." My voice quivered slightly, "But I was not about to let them take Ness."

I felt myself be taken away from Emmett's grip and another hug came towards me. Two people. Less buff and shorter, more slimmer. Alice and Rosalie.

"Adacella." I heard Alice speak up first. I sighed in discomfort.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"We'll miss you!" Rosalie cried and hugged me harder. I felt air leave my body as I tried to pull away.

"Need... air..."

"That's enough, Rose." Carlisle! I yanked away from Rose and flung myself at him. As I let go slowly, I looked at Esme.

"Best family ever." I whispered and hugged her gently. I pulled away slowly from her also then turned to look at Jasper.

"Best uncle ever." I grinned.

"Hey!" Emmett screamed from behind me.

"What!?" I screeched. Emmett stayed quite smirking lightly than rolled his eyes. I nodded at Jasper and went in for a hug.

"Favorite!" I sing-sang. I heard laughter erupt from behind me as I let go of Jasper. The mood went down as I asked Alice my final question,

"How much time left?"

"Not much." Bella and Edward appeared behind me with Ness in hand. I gasped lightly and ran at them. I went in for a huge family hug and sobbed lightly. Ness tugged on my cardigan lightly. I looked down at her and went to a squat position.

"Sweetie, I'm leaving soon but I promise I'll come and visit every chance I get."

"But I don't want you to go.

"I know, I'm sorry, I don't want to go away either but I have too. You'll be safe that way. I promise."

I heard a knock come to the door. Everyone in the room tensed up by Carlisle was the only one with guts to get the door.

"I'll get my things." I whisper and rushed up the stairs. I grabbed my bags all together and descended down the stairs lowly making sure not to fall.

"Alright!" I screamed, "So, who's comin' to pick me up?" I ask. I look towards the door and saw four guards. Felix, Alec, Jane, and Demetri, if I remember correctly, my mind was hazy from Alice's future telling, "Oh..." I trailed off.

"We'll be taking her now." Jane said. I gulped and continued staring anywhere but at the people in front of me.

"I would love to go but you see-"

"No buts, we're leaving now.

"Ok!" I said quickly, "Ok." I looked at the Cullens and smiled.

"Bye." I whispered. I decided on shedding no tears. It's best for everyone in this room. Looking at them one more time, I turned around and walked out the house and into the snow with the Volturi.

'No looking back now.'

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