Snow and Fire (7) *edited*

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A/N: That's Adacella up there in her new age and body.

1 Month Later

Adacella's P.O.V

"Mom?" I yelled while walking out of the house. Everyone was setting up a campfire out in the woods and preparing themselves for tomorrow. The day the snow sticks to the ground. Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper are still nowhere to be found and quite frankly, it worried me more than anyone as to seeing that I was told the Volturi wanted Aunt Alice for her special gift.

"Cel?" Bella came out of the house and looked at me, "You're not wearing your jacket!" She ran back inside and came out a few seconds later with my jacket, "Here" Slipping on the leather jacket I sighed and looked down, "Mom, why am I growing faster than Ness, I look like I'm 17 now and she only looks 10. My growing slowed down for a week now its faster again. My height is now '5.6"' which is taller than you, Aunt Alice and Aunt Rosalie. I don't want to grow fast. Last weeks I looked 14 and now two week later I look 17." I continued ranting on until finally deciding to stop and take a breath, "Will... will I die soon?" My voice cracked at the end on my question.

I heard the rustling and moving around come to a complete and utter stop. The people behind me became quite and nobody dared say a word.

"I have all these gifts, but I'm growing older each day. I will never get to really experience the use of them and how they work. I want to be able to use them all and quite frankly, with the way your all making me stay out of this fight, I never will. I have monstrous strength that is out of any of your leagues! Please, let me stand by your side and fight with you. I've been practicing them everyday and Uncle Emmett has been teaching me how to fight since the day I looked like I was 5." Everyone looked to Emmett immediately and he just smirked and said,

"Cheers. Now, I'm not saying you should fight with us, if  it turns out to  be a fight in the end, but, I'm not saying you shouldn't. Whatever you want and makes you happy is good for me."

The room, well, woods, became dead silent.

"If she really wants to help, than I think she should. At least she isn't being reluctant about it." Benjamin and Tia shot me smiles.

"I vote yes!" Kate and Garrett raised their hands.

"Us too." The rest of the Denali's agreed and shook their heads a 'yes.' Soon after, everyone begun agreeing and it was just up to the Cullen's, apart from Emmett.

"Yes." Esme and Carlisle smiled. 

"I say yes." Rosalie stood next to me and gave me a hug.

Bella and Edward stayed silent. They were the only left who needed to agree.

"I don't know. Yes, your happiness matters to us more than anything, but your my daughter and too see something happen to you would kill me." Bella stared at me than Edward, "But, I know you can handle yourself with my and Edward's gift running in your blood, Yes."

I jumped in excitement. My hand flew around both of my parents necks as I giggled in relief. I hugged everyone else who welcomed me once again, except this time, to fight.


I yelled out and grinned. Turning around towards Renesmee, I picked her up and spun her around than put her down.

"Good look, Celly." She whispered.

"Thank you, Ness, now get inside the tent. We need our beauty sleep and rest for tomorrow. I mean, it is going to be a big day. Now get going. I'll be right there."

She nodded her head and walked off into the tent. A big day. A very big day.  I looked back towards my parents and ran to them full speed than jumped onto Edward.

"Thank you." I whispered silently. Hopping off I walked over to Bella, "And thank you, mom." I went in for a tight hug.

"Your welcome." She whispered, "Now, go sleep. You'll need the rest." We both pulled away from the hug simultaneously.

"I'll most definitely need it, but first, I have to threaten Jacob and make sure he'll protect Ness with his life. Goodnight mom and dad." I ran off to find Jacob before they could respond. I found him near the tent looking down.

"You alright." I walked closer to him and laid a hand down on his shoulder. He flinched at my touch. I pulled my hand away instantly.


"Oh, good. In that case," I took a hold of his shirt and banged him up against the tree sitting behind him and got ready to play the role of the evil sister protecting her young oblivious young sibling, "You better protect Ness tomorrow with your life. If we make it out of this alive and I find out something happened to her, oh, I will track you down and make sure you got to the pits of hell with the Volturi," I than let him go and smiled innocently then turned around to walk inside the tent, "Goodnight Jacob, and Night everyone!" I waved my left hand around and slipped inside the tent after hearing them all say goodnight.

"Ready for our beauty sleep, Ness?" I asked.

"Ready, Night Cel." I smiled upon hearing her baby innocent voice. Jacob better protect her with his life! She's too precious and innocent. She shouldn't even be in such a situation as this one. Little girls don't deserve to live in a world where they'll be hated for being different. They deserve a world with kindness and no hatred. Where love is at every corner and where they won't be judged for being slightly different than everyone else around them.

"Night, Ness." I wrapped the thickest and fluffiest blanket around our bodies and closed my eyes, getting ready for tomorrow.

I'm so ready, Cha!

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