New People (10) *edited*

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Adacella's P.O.V

As soon as we got inside the jet, I looked around expecting to see Aro, Marcus, and Caius. To my surprise, they were nowhere in sight. That got me thinking for a moment as to seeing he left his top guards just to pick me up. I continued searching thinking that maybe I was wrong and just wasn't looking hard enough.

"They're not here." A voice came from behind me. I saw Demetri standing there a small smile on his face, "It's just us and the pilots. They left before us. It was our job to bring you back to Italy one way or another."

I continued staring at him for a moment. Let's see how good of a tracker I can become. I stared him in the eye and glared then smirked and decided to look over at the Twins.

"They're flying over Oklahoma now." I muttered. I tensed up upon noticing that I might've just reveled my powers. Well, they're bound to find out sooner or later, but lets keep it at later. I hoped that they truly did not hear me because I did not want them to know my gifts but unfortunately for me, they're vampires therefore they have great sense of hearing.

"How do you know?" Jane questioned giving me an evil eye. I sighed in distress,

"Such a Damsel in Distress I've become," I mumbled, "Isn't it obvious, I mean, the left over three hours ago and it doesn't take long to get there." I lied easily and sent them a smile.

Jane looked at me than opened her mouth to speak, and I already knowing put my shield up,


She stared at me for a second than tried harder. I nodded me head making a 'no' look than acted like I didn't know what was happening. My shoulders moved up to show my 'not knowing' façade.

"How?" She questioned. I smirked,

"Try thinking of a shield, honey." I teased lightly. I was so into the gift showing that I didn't notice we had already set off until I fell back and landed on my bum.

"The hell! How long have we been up and about!" I winced in pain as I stood up and walked over to Demetri sitting next to him.

"Oh, did your shield not protect you, honey?" Jane sent me a teasing smile. I glared at her and absorbed her power.

"Thank you!" I grinned.

"For what!" She asked me, eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Pain." I smiled.

She stared at me confused for a moment than understood.

"You can absorb any power." Her twin brother spoke from besides her.

"And cut them off if I want to- Shit! I was not suppose to say my gifts! Damn it! So sorry Cullens!" I continued to curse at myself that I didn't notice them staring at me weirdly.

"Yes?" I asked slowly, than a great idea came to mind, "Lets get to know each other and I ain't taking no for an answer. So, Felix , you start, oh! And I already know all of your names!" They seemed startled by my outburst and the way I wasn't screaming or kicking at them to leave me alone.

"Ok.. Well you now my name and ranks by now.. I have no gifts but strength."

"Awesome, The twins!" I smiled there way.

"Alec and Jane. I cause pain and Alec can take away senses."


"I was born in Greece. I'm a tracker and a high ranked guard." My eyes wandered to stare at him as I nodded my head.

"Impressive." I smiled than went to my small luggage and took out my earphones and IPod. I noticed them continued to stare at me looking confused.

"Yes?" I asked.

"How about you?" Felix broke the chains of the rather awkward silence.

"Me? Oh! I was born September 11th, I'm in the body of a sixteen year old. Well, you know my family life so far and story. And, not my name though.." I watched them nod their heads 'no's', "Adacella Valentina Cullen, but call me whatever you would like. Oh!!! And I love Sakura Flowers, Cha!" 🌸

From there, I slipped my earphones on and began playing, 'River Flows In You' by Yiruma.

Peaceful time. No more worrying, no more thinking, no more pain.

Aw Shit! I forgot to continue watching Yuri! On Ice! I AM SOO SORRY VIKTOR!

3rd Person

The room became quite after a while and all that was heard was simple heartbeat beading a steady pace. Light breathing was joined along with it. The four guards couldn't help but to stare at the girl memorized by Adacella sleeping and the way she looked peaceful as if nothing could ever hurt her. Which nothing could, Demetri knew well that this girl is his mate and he would do anything to protect her.

"She looks peaceful." Felix was first to speak up.

"Indeed." Jane watched her and a small smile made it's way up to her face, "I have a feeling we'll be great friends."

"Another sister too protect." Alec grinned.

"A female best friend that won't hurt me." Felix muttered the ending.

"And a mate to love forever." Demetri moved closer to the brunette and picked her up bridal style. He walked all the way to the back of the jet, that was huge and had two doors to cover up the three sections, from the front and shut the final door. A bed sat near the corner by the window where sunlight streamed through. He laid her down gently, smiling at her beautifulness. The light streams touched her hair with such perfection making her locks look gold from the tips. Her flawless skin stood out more making her long thick dark lashes come out more, "Sleep now, love." Demetri smiled and kissed her forehead than wrapped the blanket around her body not before slipping her boots off.

Just as he was about to walk out the door, a soft and delicate hand reached out and grabbed his palm then banged him on the bed. Adacella's body moved closer to his cuddling her head against his chest. A smile traveled its way up to both their faces.

A content sigh escaped Adacella's lips in her sleep.

"So beautiful." Demetri whispered lightly, "Yet so destructive."

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