Chapter 2 - Sawyer Bradley... Again. The End of The Road (Sawyer POV)

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Here's what's going on... I bought an editing software because word just did not pick up the problems with my writing well enough. Anyways... I run it and in one chapter it found like 290 things wrong... so I'm fixing the grammar, also doing fact checking because someone commented on Sawyers age and a few other things. I have it written in my notes as one thing, but the reader claimed that's not what the actual update says so I'm working on that.

I'm sure there will still be mistakes especially since I kid you not I used the word 'pare' for 'pair' and did not notice it until this editing thing picked it up and that is my biggest pet peeve when reading a book. I do not know how you guys put up with all my mistakes!

Second, Loving Ashlynn and Shattered are on the SAME timeline. Year 2015

A/n: Enjoy. 

Chapter 2 - Sawyer Bradley... Again (Sawyer POV)

"Uncle Sean – something isn't right about everything, I've done the work – I've researched..."
I whisper into the phone, I don't want someone to hear me, I'm nervous, nearly panicking.

"Grayson King is innocent or – I don't know but his jury... I have proof I need you to do something. He can't die Uncle Sean."

I'm pleading, "he is innocent-"

"Wakey – wakey Sawyer," my little sister sings, tapping my back, waking me, pulling me from my dreams, the kinds where I don't know why I see them, or what I'm meant to do with them, but I'm startled, shocked and moving to all fours, disoriented until I focus on Emerson's tiny giggle, "Yous funny when you wakes up," her ruby red lips curled up, revealing a few missing teeth as she giggles.

Relaxed I reach for the pen on my side table and small pad of paper writing down the name Grayson King... looking at the name I search my memory, checking for any sign, something that makes the name come back to me but I recall nothing.

I put the pad and paper back, before resting on my pillow, relaxing the panic I felt from the dream stuck deep inside me, and now in the early morning light I couldn't shake the residual lingering emotions I felt when making that call in my dream.

Putting a smile on my face, I gaze at Emerson, patting the pillow next to me, knowing she was wide awake and full of energy and I only had some time before she remembered why she woke me to begin with. Green, honey eyes gazed at me, pursing my lips I wondered for a moment if she had dreamt in that unique way of hers of what I had, of Grayson King?

"Did – did you have a dream?" I ask nonchalantly watching intently as she frowns but shakes her head, and a sense of relief goes through me, over me, everywhere.

"You sure?" I feel the need to double check, but when Emerson whips her five-year-old head from side to side I nod with a smile, letting it go.

I tried listening for the rest of my family, wondering what everyone else was doing this morning? Gazing around the room I had been calling mine for the last two months – June and July – I smiled wondering how long we would be here, having not had any dreams to point me in my own direction.

Dreams – the kind only my mother, sister Emerson and I had – they had been leading me since I was seven years old in New York, and knew that my twin Tristan and I – our lives would change if we went to a certain park. The two of us had been adopted when we were just babies by our mom and dad, two wonderful people that were still in our lives after our biological parents – Kaden and Elizabetta – had stumbled across us ten years ago.

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