Chapter 20 - Changes and Distractions. Daydreaming (Mya POV)

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A/n: Not Edited and MULTIPLE POV's. 

Chapter 20 – Changes & Distractions (Mya POV)

With a full night and then some of studying, Kalani, Jesse, Sawyer, and I each dragged ourselves to sleep when Kate came in and pretty much ordered us to go to bed, in her motherly way. Though Sawyer was technically our Alpha, Kate did more of the mothering and it was easy to pick up on over the weekend.

It was good and I think knowing that everything wasn't left up to Sawyer made things flow just a bit better and it also helped ease my heart when it came to all of our futures. Though I missed the Kings, and would never in a million years forget all they did for me, now with both girls, no one would understand the relief I got with Kate. She was the perfect grandmother type for the girls. She let me handle bedtime stories, feeding, fun playtime before dinner and always checked with me, keeping me in the loop. Now, in the new house not much had changed.

After two night of sleeping on the girls' floor, before going to my room, I check in on them, finding Shiloh in Felicity's bed this time. "They're making up for lost time," Kate told me when after going down for a nap in separate beds; we found them in Felicity's.

Walking into the room, I grab Shiloh's blanket throwing it over her as she cuddled up to Felicity's back. I stare down at them for a while, a pang of hurt that it seemed that Shiloh had found a new cuddle buddy – You could always cuddle up with our mate, Asteria piped up. Snorting in response I quickly hold my breath when Felicity stirs, backing out of the room slowly, and throwing myself into my own bed.

Is cuddling with Atticus out completely? Asteria purred as I tried to sleep, agitated. My mind filled to the brim, different things that we crammed for tonight, the situation with Atticus and the girls, his father, Kalani and Jesse... everything was all mixed into together. Lincoln Rigby is not a good man, is the last thought I think I have.

When the alarm I set rings, the sun just coming out, I stretch for a minute staying in bed and running over everything I had to get done today. Sawyer had tried numerous times to explain that we needed to stay calm throughout the day.

Going to school, according to her was going to be different and while I believed her, I don't think she understands the hits I took when I was pregnant. If anything, I'm guessing the biggest blow up is going to be between Jesse, Alyssa, Sloane, and Kalani.

I moved to Derby when I was twelve and I can remember clearly that Sloane and Jesse were "boyfriend" and "girlfriend." It had been a silly middle school type relationship that had bloomed and by freshman year, or the summer before it, the rumors surfaced. So and so, went to a party and saw them hooking up and this was at age fourteen. From then on, after a party on the weekend, new rumors started.

"Jesse was jealous because some guy from another school was hitting on Sloane..."

"A cheerleader from Half Moon was at the party with a few friends and while Sloane was outside they practically did the deed right in the living room."

"Jesse and Sloane broke up and he's talking to Michelle," and so on; sometimes after every weekend all you had to do was exchange the name of the girl in that sentence and you were good to go.

All caught up.

It was humorous at first but then it just got ridiculous. Anytime Jesse showed the tiniest bit of interest in someone that wasn't Sloane, you could pretty much tell by lunch. Why? Because there could be five empty seats at a table during lunch and when Sloane came in, instead of finding one of those five empty chairs, she sat on Jesse's lap.

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