Chapter 40 - Shades Of Gray (Mya POV) Pt. 2

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A/n: Not Edited. 

Chapter 40 – Shades of Gray (Mya POV) Pt. 2

"You cannot be seriously thinking of still going to the mall?" Atticus asks as the pitch of his voice increases, "You just – you cannot Mya," he glances at our girls outside with Sadie, chasing her around, before turning panicked blue eyes at me, "please maybe go another time?"

"What am I never supposed to leave the property? Atticus I have school," the conflict inside him is written all over his face. His beautiful, beautiful face. "And we do not know if it's actually your father – I mean they hit our car and Kate says it is on purpose but she isn't sure Atticus."

"It could be anyone," I whisper but his eyes widen, "oh, that is much better..." his tone sarcastic. "No, I mean... I'm sure by now someone knows that Grayson lives here, maybe they thought he was the one in the car, just trying to scare the family-"

"Or it could be my lunatic father, the dangerous people he's involved in... the people that took Lynn. I mean – what – what if," he throws his hands in the air, "Heaven forbid that Lynn was the wrong kidnapped girl... what if he meant to set it up for Shiloh and Felicity-"

"Then your father needs to hire smarter kidnappers, or... in the least some that aren't blind," I respond dryly. "If you aren't worried about your safety, what about Louisa and Tessa?" my gaze immediately cut to Tessa, her head on Tobi's shoulder, his lips moving but I couldn't make out what was being said.

A part of me had to wonder though, how accustomed were my siblings to this type of thing? Kristina – our mother – was an addict; surely, they've endured worse? I had read their files from the social worker; the things were endless – kidnapped by one of her boyfriends, taken across state lines, beaten, starved, emotionally abused. So in the grand scheme of things how bad was one T-Bone purposely hit car?

Then I really considered Tessa, the way Tobias was around her and my skin became covered in goose bumps as I remembered my grandmother, and myself. Having the rough upbringing didn't mean that you were bound to become hard inside, and for the most part, Tessa and Tobias lived with their grandmother as I had with mine.

Geez, I hate this town, I think silently, just looking at the family outside.

Turned towards Atticus, I sigh heavily, "Look, we cannot just stay hidden, and also... I do not think they were expecting the car to be... as durable as it was Atticus. We had a dent and Rascal was able to just easily maneuver us to the side of the road, he barely lost control of the car."

"Have you called Sawyer? Told her about this? Her father?" he asked now pulling at straws.

One brow arched, "No, she's busy, and this was not a big deal. Hell," I listen to my surroundings and when I know we are alone, "Jesse thinks that his family is probably going to strike, they've stopped hounding him with calls and messages, so to him that means they're lurking in the shadows."

"We've got enemies in buckets, Atticus."

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