Chapter 15 - STOP VICTIM BLAMING (Atticus POV)

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A/n: Not Edited. So as you can see the chapter title here is #StopVictimBlaming so if this is something you believe in, whether it's on twitter, facebook or instagram, spread this chapter with the hashtag - >> #StopVictimBlaming

Chapter 15 - #StopVictimBlaming (Atticus POV)

Five hours and forty-five minutes.

That is how long it would take me to get from New York to California, I knew that. When coming in from London, the minute I would switch flights to make that last leg to get to Mya, it seemed like those five hours were five days. Now, as Silvia, Daniel and Julius sat near me waiting for our private jet to take off, calling just about everyone they know trying to get information for me on the fire that destroyed the King home and sent two people to the emergency room, five hours was beginning to feel like five years. "No, the new report hasn't shown the house and there are no aerial views just as yet-" Daniel said to whom ever he was speaking to.

"The street is barricaded, I know – what do you see?" Silvia demanded and shook my head; clearing away the fog to concentrate on what information she was able to get, "What's the structural damage?"

"Okay what are they saying?" Julius questioned from my right, "A firework?" he gasped and though I was looking at Silvia, the chills that ran up and down my back, made me curl inward instinctively. A firework? Why would they be setting them off now? Was it even the Kings?

"Okay – okay – so they stopped the fire?" I couldn't even open my mouth to ask her what she was getting, but once Silvia began avoiding my gaze, I knew it wasn't good. "Ask around, I can hear commotion behind you, someone there must know what happened!" Julius snapped, practically tossing his phone on the table before us.

"So far, my friend says that neighbors were telling the police that they heard a loud sound three times, much louder than a gun going off, and then after that the ground shook slightly, and there were more booming sounds, and half of the block has no power-" Julius started relaying what little information he was given just as my parents, Manny and Jameson all boarded the plane, and the stewardess began locking up. I shook my head, "Where do you – what are you all doing here?" the disapproval coated my words but I was so far gone, I didn't care. What did they think coming along would do? Hell, in a way, the last person I wanted to be around was Manny or my parents for that matter.

"I don't – no – I cannot get Mya-"

"We are your family Atticus, our granddaughters lived in that house-"

"Stop! This isn't some mission to go be supportive, I don't want you – any of you outside of Silvia or Julius – anywhere near Mya!" they gazed back in shock, but once Silvia ended her call she once again had my full attention.

"What did you learn?"

She shook her head, "the right side of the house is completely sunken in and the left side, was riddled with water to control the fire, and then prevent it from catching to the surrounding houses. No one has been confirmed as deceased Atticus, however, one adult and one minor was rushed to the emergency room."

My bottom lip shook and I begin thrusting my head backwards against the seat repeatedly, trying to contain my emotions, "It – it cannot be her – or – or Shiloh..." no one said a word, all of us sitting facing one another, the silence sending my thoughts down a dark path. When it's safe to walk around and we're in the air, everyone spreads out a bit more for which I am thankful. I couldn't take the glares from Manny, or the questioning gaze of my mother.

I had just gotten back in touch with Mya, this couldn't be how everything worked out, she couldn't be gone, and truth be told, I swear I could feel as though she was okay. Was it my subconscious just searching for something to hang on to? Probably but the alternative was that Mya and Shiloh were the ones injured in that fire. My eyes sting painfully, and the more I think the worse it all gets, until the private thoughts are actually being spoken, "she fell from a bed and went into a panic attack," I mumbled shaking my head, rocking my body slowly. "What – Silvia, Shiloh..." I gazed at my sister with pure fear in my eyes, she knew what I was talking about.

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