Late Night Call

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"Victoria!" Sue did that thing women do when they were talking to people in awkward situations by having their voice become high-pitched and squeaky. "How are you? Are you well? What have you be doi-"

"Cut the bullshit Sue," I interrupt her abruptly. "I really need to talk to Reed. Is he available?" I held my tongue because what I actually wanted to say was, can he be pried away from his precious work for five seconds since his own wife is unable to do so, maybe that's why the two are unable to get pregnant. But something told me that that was too harsh.

"I'm right here" I hear Reed's distance voice, Sue must've put me on speaker. And she didn't even have the courtesy of informing me first!

I hadn't talked to the Fantastic Four since "I left", as they prefer to refer to it. I had no idea if this situation was awkward or not, but my curiosity was too great to care right now. I had a weird feeling about what I'd just experienced, and Reed was the go to guy when it came to weird experience. Despite how much it hurt I needed their assistance in this situation, so time to put aside all hurt feelings and get something done.

"I need to know what happened during the time of my, uh- shall we call it 'disappearance'." How else will you refer to yourself exploding into a million shards of energy dust and not technically being in existence for a week?

"Are you experiencing anything weird?" Reed asked immediately, concerning clouding his voice.

A part of me yearned for when people actually cared about me and my well being in abundance, I missed the time when Reed would stuff me into his examining tube while I was in my underwear. How weird is it when life would make you miss the very thing you once hated?

But right now a part of my heart throbbed in pained at the sheer tone of his voice, a part of me felt like the concern is his voice was just to know what was happening to me on a scientific level. He wanted to analyze it, not solve it.

"Afew seconds ago Logan had to pull my head out of a bucket of water, is that weird enough for ya?"

"Why was your head in water!?" Susan asked, this time her voice genuinely concerned.

Lies! All lies! They don't care!

Logan walked up behind me so quickly I jumped and dropped the phone, he picked it mid air and continued talking in my place.

"She claims she had a headache, but if you ask me I think it was a suicide attempt" Logan says grumpily into the receiver.

"IT WAS NOT A SUICIDE ATTEMPT DAMN YOU!" I fight Logan for the receiver, what he said to them was soooooooo not cool! I wonder what they thought!? They probably think I was so sad from them leaving me that I wanted to kill myself, or worst! What if Johnny thinks me seeing him prompted me to want to kill myself!?

Ah! Logan! I so want to kill you right now!

Then a more sober thought occurred to me, it's very late at night, why is everyone still awake?

I bite Logan's arm and in his pain let's go of the receiver, "I am so sorry you guys, I just realized how late it must be. Sorry to disturb you, I'll call back tomorrow morning"

"No no, it's fine." Susan said, "We actually heard a distress signal from Reed's lab afew hours ago, it woke everyone up except for John-" Susan cut herself off immediately. She must've realized what she was doing, calling his name was a really big mistake. After all, it was his fault I got kicked out.

Johnny Storm was the person who had the idea of me leaving the Fantastic Four.


Author's Note

Really short chapter?


Still an update?

Definitely XD

Now lemme get to work on the next chapter that I know all y'all will love!

Comment, vote and share, really means you care!

Signing out-

~Ya Gal Vicky<3

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now