The Grand Master

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I was literally zapped out of existence for a nano-second. I feel my whole sense of reality tumble around me as in the next instant I fall and hit solid ground.

My head sloshed around like it was filled with jelly and my eyes refused to focus on one thing.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

I hear the sound of glass being furiously pounded against. I push myself up on my knees and turn towards the noise, as my eyes begin to focus I see the Fantastic Four suspended up in clear glass cylinder tubes.

I gasp and tumble back.

My back bumps into something, I turn and see a big toe the size of my whole torso. I swiftly look up and see the giant blue dude.

"What the heck!!!???"

I leap away from him and bolt from the spot. I pass by Ben's tube as he was viciously yelling something at me. I look at where I was running to and I couldn't help but scream.

I skid off the edge of the glass floor but I managed to grab ahold of the ledge.

"Urgh!" I fight the burn of my fingertips as I held on tightly. If I'd reacted a second to late it would've been curtains for me.

I made the mistake of looking down.

"Oh Dear Sweet God..." I squeak in mortal fear.

The glass platform was so high up above...let's just say I could see planes maneuvering below us as they took off and landed in JFK.

My panic prompted me to claw my way onto the glass platform before my palms got too sweaty and subsequently doom me. My heart was severely pounding and I couldn't seem to catch my breath, maybe cause of the high altitude?

I gasp in one more deep breath and proceed to look around my environment.

Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben were suspended in glass tubes that looked to be sound proof. And I say that because Johnny was roaring at the top of this lungs but I couldn't hear a thing.

But then how could I hear him when he pounds his fist against the door? I wondered, must be the little mysteries in life...

"Victoria..." I turn around to the booming voice. "Howard..." I am completely facing the giant blue entity. "...Stark..."

I fight back the urge to flinch at his words.

"Yes" I say simply.

"Do you know why you're here?" he emphasized each word.

"Not really!" I replied back loudly.

"You have been invited to participate in The Tournament of Heroes" he supplies.

"One problem buddy," I say nonchalantly, "I'm no longer a member of the Fantastic Four..."

I hear more pounding but I fight not look in that direction.

"Oh really?" The blue figure asked, I nodded. "Shame, that changes everything"

"How so?" I asked casually, as if I was talking to a polite stranger in front of café and not a strange alien being probably holding me hostage at 5000 miles in the air.

"You were not told of the story of the last Tournament of Heroes?"

I scratch my hair, "I've been told a lot of stories..." I say honestly. "But...I do believe there was a time I was told of a Grand Master or something coming to earth."

He nods in agreement.

I eye the figure, "But I was told he looked like a Giant Papa Smurf"

"What is a...smurf?" the Grand Master asked. "And who gave you that information?"

I take a dubiously conspicuous peek at Johnny's tube and he was vigorously shaking his head at me. So they can hear me but I can't hear them? Interesting...

"No, don't worry about it. The person's dead." I quickly brush it aside. "So, what does you being here have to do with me? And why does me not being apart of them-" I point to the crew, "change everything?"

"You are a threat" Grand Master said curtly.

"What!? Why!??" I asked a little panicked. When a giant blue cosmic space entity says you are a threat, then you are a threat. "To Whom!?"

"The Planet Earth" he replied. "Your powers have endangered all of mankind, and this planet."

I looked at him, confused. "I'm sorry, but I'm not able to grasp what is going on here..." I say, I look to the others as if for an explanation, but they looked just as lost as I was. "I don't have superpowers"

I paused a moment.

"Anymore..." I add, bowing my head down in shame.

"Incorrect" Grand Master says eloquently.

My heart pounded once.

"Excuse me?" I asked, whipping my head up.

"As I am looking at you, in this very instant, I see the power of a whole galaxy churning through you."

I take a step back, "N-no...that's not possible," I stammer. "I lost my powers, I was sent away because of it. I-I-I-"

"You have cosmic powers that is a beacon through the universe and has ultimately invited the worst fate upon this planet"

"Wha-what are you talking about!? I don't understand what you're saying!"

The Grand Master just silently looked at me as I tried to process what was happening.

I have powers!? Correction, I've always had my powers!? Impossible, IMPOSSIBLE!

"First this!?" I accidently cry out loud. "This can't be fucking happening!!!" I hold onto my head and pace around like a rabid dog, fighting the urge to yank on my hair.

"But that is not what brings me" Grand Master says out of nowhere.

"Huh?" I look up at him.

"I am here to collect what now belongs to the Grand Counsel" Grand Master says forebodingly.

"Which is what!?"

"All the humansof earth," he looks me dead in the eye. "We've come to collect our slaves."  

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now