I'm (finally) Over You

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 Was it any surprise that I was super ultra omega quadruple grounded?

Cause I was.

Big time.

Can Susan even legally ground me?

I wasn’t the idiot that was going to ask.

After Tony’s ‘comment’ Susan went into her powers version of supernova!...super forcefield? Superforce? Novafield?

Everybody just scattered, most of us running for our lives, I didn’t hide in my room. That was the first place she’d’ve looked, I actually ran and hid in her closet. David basically hoped on Ben back and they vanished, with David holding Brigitte’s hand. Johnny ‘Flamed On’ and knocked Tony outta the sky trying to escape and Fifi was nowhere to be found.

Only Reed and Sara were stupid enough to hang back, Reed cause he was her husband and trying to calm her down and Sara because she was paralyzed in fear.

Johnny got off the hook with a warning after everything because apparently–“he didn’t write the rude image himself, unlike you!” then Susan made to strangle me.

Fifi and Brigitte were asked to leave, not like they wouldn’t anyway. Both girls were in terror by the time they left.

Susan called David’s mom and Sara’s uncle to come get them, making sure to rat us (me) out in the process. I was so angry at Susan that I just march to my room without even being asked.

Reed was in conversation with Tony at the time, I’m sure Susan sent him on his way.

I am currently under Omega Alpha Lockdown.  No TV, no phone calls, no text, no friends, no hanging out, no visitors, no smiling, no laughing, no sugar, no chocolate, no sweets and no junk food.

Basically they wanted me to be a corpse.

I was only allowed to leave my room to eat, and the food I was allowed to eat was bland, old, disgusting ‘healthy’ food. I was being tortured.

It got to a point that I even stopped going for meals all together. So Sue had Herbie deliver my food up to my room now, if I was in the mood I’d eat it. If I wasn’t I’d flush it down the toilet and spend the rest of the day feeling horrible because I had food to waste while people in third world countries are starving.

Sue was being unfair right? I didn’t do anything that wrong did I? It was just an emoticon of a pair of boobs! Who goes on full prison lockdown because of that?

I rummaged under my bed and found a baseball.


Finally! Something fun to play with! Susan has confiscated virtually everything that brought me joy, even some of my novels that I loved to curl up and read in the dead of night. So a baseball was like a lost desert wonderer finding water.

I bounced it a couple of times.

Then I sat down with my back against my bed and bounced the ball against the opposite wall. It was distracting, a good distraction, I ended up bouncing the same ball at the spot under my window for 3 hours.

It must almost be diner time.

“Victoria?” Herbie said.


“Susan is on her way to your room. I suggest hiding that ball, before even that is taken away from you”

I smiled. “Thanks Herbie” I slip the ball back under my bed and folded my hands on my laps as Susan walks in.

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