Captain America Wielding A Butter Knife

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Okay, picture this.

Cap is chasing Johnny with a butter knife through the Baxter Building with Sue on his tail threatening to murder cap if he lays a hand on Johnny. Me holding onto my stomach as I laugh my tear streaked face off as Tony dances the Macarena in his Iron Man suit while Reed keeps giving me and Tony the devil cat eye.

How did we end up in this moment, you ask?

Well, the situation is not as complicated as you'd think...



"It's so not fair!" I yell at Johnny in my kitchen, several days after Tony's visit.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about it!" Johnny counters.

"No! You can change this situation! You just choose not to!" I shot back.

"Please be reasonable!" he begged with a pleading expression.

"Tough coconuts!" I holler.

Johnny sighed, defeated.

"Fine, I'll do it" he huffed.

I squeal delightedly as I jump up and down and clap my hands repeatedly.

"Thank you!" I run across the kitchen and fiercely hug him.

"But I won't like it," he grumbled as he wrapped one arm around my waist.

"I don't care, as long as I get what I want" I reply.

"Gimme 15mins while I go get the ice cream" Johnny says, pointing towards the door to leave.

Oh wait, what did you think we were actually arguing about? The space mission thingy?

"Make it 10, you can fly for God's sake" I counter as I folded my arms.

"I'm trying not to attract much attention to myself," Johnny reasons.

"Says the guy who just wanted us to go out to the movies and then go on a rollercoaster" I grin.

"12mins" he says, and closes the door behind him.

I walk up to the door, put my hands on my hips and wait. Right on cue Johnny reopens the door, like a man who forgot something, and looks down at me. His clear blue eyes land on my mind and he grins at finding me waiting at the door, like I'd just read his mind.

"Alittle something to remember me by?" he asked.

I just nodded and leaned up to kiss him. He responded immediately and presses down harder on my lips, making me momentarily forget where I was. We pull apart and I question why we'd done that when the kiss was so sweet and perfect.

"You know what?" Johnny smirked. "Make it 8–no–5 minutes" and he rams the door shut.

I smile to myself.

Who would have ever though me and Johnny could not only be civil to each other, but lovey dovey?

After ALL that has happened?

Life really really has a funny way of turning out.

I sigh dejectedly as I make my way towards the living room couch. Logan has been momentarily AWOL so the house tended to get lonely. Although I feel Logan's absence is even better cause I wasn't ready to flaunt what me and Johnny had.

What did we both have anyway?

I think for the first time in my existence, both my heart and my head are in total confusion. My head keeps trying to reason out why Reed would do what he did with someone like Tony, why would he make such a big (and in my opinion, damaging) decision over my life? And a part of my brain felt like it knew the answer but it was locked away so tightly behind and impenetrable door, not if a hoard of rapid Deadpool, Captain America and Thor fans could budge it.

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