Estranged Conversations

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Johnny's POV

"Urgh..." I moarn, why is everyone still fucking awake?

I had just managed to push Brigitte's mass of murderous hair aside and start to doze off when the next thing I know the entire building sounded like it wanted to elevate from the ground.

"Uhm....can you please turn off the alarm?" Brigitte mumbled in her sleep.

"I don't have an alarm" I grunt next to her, I reach under my bed and pulled out my noise cancelling sound headphones. "Here, use these," I hand them over to her.

"Thank you," without opening her eyes she fiddles around and takes them from me. "But what about you? What will you use?"

"I'm gonna go find the 'Off' button" I grumble. I get up from the bed, with maximum effort needed, and walk like a zombie to my bedroom door and out into the corridor.

"CAN YOU PLEASE TURN THAT ALARM OFF!" I yelled. It sounded like the alarm was only still ringing in the bedroom section of the apartment. I was gonna kill Herbie, but not after I kill Reed first.

It was Herbie's once a month break day, so the alarms had to be manually turned off. Which Reed obviously forgot to do.


I momentarily get distracted by the room in front of mine, I get an involuntary flashback of a brown-blonde haired beauty in pajama pants and a tank top, her hair flying everywhere and an annoyed/bored expression on her face. If she was hear she'd have probably beaten me to scream for the gang to turn the alarm off, and I'd just stand by and stare at her. And just as soon as the flash back came it dissolved into thin air, taking with it her vision. All that was left in front of me was an empty room, packed from it was all its warmth and all its memories...

I turn and look down the corridor, I see Reed and Sue crowded over something on the wall next to the kitchen. Where they holding a phone? And why does it have a cord attached leading to a white box on the wall, wait a minute...

We have a landline?

I walk over to them, grateful to get further away from the incessant ringing of the alarm.

"Hey, Reed, buddy. You forgot to turn off the alarm, Brigitte and I woke up because of it, it's driving me nuts!" I'd notice Sue giving me signs to shut up but she was probably just being her naggy self and didn't want me to embarrass her in front of the caller.

Well fuck whoever it was, its late, I'm tired and Johnny wanna go night night.

"I gave her my earmuffs but that doesn't help me cause I've only got one. You always do this when she sleeps over, are you trying to get rid of her?"

Reed gives me a look and silently face palms himself. What? Wad I do?

"Uhm...hello Johnny." I hear Victoria's voice say through the speaker of the phone.

I feel my reality crack.

I am such an idiot.


Vick's POV

Hearing Johnny's voice and what he said wasn't pleasant for me, but I have to always keep in mind that Johnny and I never officially dated. shouldn't hurt.

I said shouldn't, not wouldn't.

Cause it does...a lot.

But hey, what are ya gonna do? Besides, I'm positive that things were way way waaaay more embarrassing for him. Given the still continued silence from their end, I'd turn on the speaker from my end as well so both Logan and I could hear and talk.

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