Everything Will Change

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"What's the point of all this?" I ask Reed.

We were both sitting on the edge of the roof again, the earlier tense air between us now completely gone.

Reed raises an eyebrow at me, I point at his suit.

Reed rearranges his tie after I'd messed it up earlier and absently pats at his shoulder to get invisible fake lint off.

"To be honest? I don't even want to go" Reed says in a bored tone.

"Whozawhatit?" That shocked me. "You and Susan are the ones organizing it!"

"Susan is. Just Susan" Reed stresses. "I wanted no part of it"

And that ticked me off. Big time.

"So you're such an unemotional unfeeling bastard that you can't even be bothered to go to your ward(hell she was basically a Goddaughter to you)'s funeral!?" I spit out. I grit my teeth as I look down at the New York streets, busy with traffic several hundred feet below.

"I'm not going cause I don't believe she's dead." he says flatly, practically unaffected by my insults. Reed then gives me the side eye, "But unlike you I actually have facts to go by and not plain dump puppy dog love"

And that made me not only want to bite my tongue, but to rip off the damn thing, eat it and swallow the rest whole.

"Y-you don't think...she's dead?" I stammer in surprise.

"Uhm-mhmm" Reed shook his head, and his face grew thoughtful.

Something warm began growing inside me, something small and joyous. Is this what hope felt like? It was...bliss. Who knew having hope could be so...blissful? Would explain why a lot of people fought so hard for it, because of it. Right now it was the one singularly bright atom in my otherwise dark existence.

"Explain," I ask swiftly but firmly of Reed.

Reed eyed me from the corner of his vision, summing up whether or not to dish out the harsh truth to me. Right now I'd walk over glass, heck, crawl over it with my tongue if I have to just to see that girl and have her annoy me one last time.

"Well the good news is she's on this plane of existence," Reed says solemnly. "But we just can't see her."

"Come again?"

"When she decomposed into materiality, her basic molecular components reconfigured itself into a more suitable state of matter to support her state of consciousness"

"So...Vick...caved in on herself?" I tried my best to reach out and understand atleast 5 words the dude was saying in succession.

"Yes and no" Reed replied, he used his fingers to draw a circle on the roof.

"What I believe happened is that Vick just...turned into energy." He finishes simply. "Just billions of little energized atoms, scattered and floating around everywhere"
"So...she's..." I lift up my fingers and look at them, at a loss for words.

"Yup," Reed look back in front of him, with the whole city of New York stretched before his feet. "She's literally everywhere and nowhere at the same time" he mused to himself. "Have to remember to congratulated her when she gets back"

I nearly tip over the edge of the roof.

"G-g-get's back?" I sound like a freaking cracked CD.

"Uhm-hmm" Reed agrees....awh man, if Vick were here she'd totally say something cute to that...l-like "That rhymed!" or something.

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now