3rd Chapter:Telling Simon

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Clary's POV:
Jace and I were kissing until I broke the kiss.
"I'm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm such a fool." I said and Jace kissed me again "Why are you saying sorry? You're not a fool." he said "I'm sorry, you'll never like a girl like me." I said and started to run but he's faster then me and grabbed my arm "Clary, why wouldn't I like girls like you?" he asked confused "Because I'm not beautiful and you deserve much better then me." I said "You're kidding right?" he said "Not really." I replied "You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. Is there someone better than you?" he said and I felt my cheeks burn, I'm probably as red as a tomato and Jace took his hand until my cheek and I laid my hand on his hand.

 Is there someone better than you?" he said and I felt my cheeks burn, I'm probably as red as a tomato and Jace took his hand until my cheek and I laid my hand on his hand

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"How can you like me?" I asked confused "Have you looked at you? Not to mention you're golden heart." he asked "Of course I've looked at myself. I'm ugly and I am a bit fatter then the other girls they're all so skiny..." I said "You're perfect. They're too skiny, like bones." he said "Really?" I asked "Yeah, besides they don't have a golden heart as yours. You should love yourself' even if you were fat." he said "Thank you, you're right. I mean, self love's important." I said "You're welcome babe." he said.
OH MY GOD! I can't believe! He called me 'babe'!
"Clary, what do you want to go for a walk?" he asked "Sure." I replied and we walked out of his house.
We were walking and talking and Jace softly tangled his hand with mine and I looked at him but took off my hand "What's wrong?" he asked comfused "I don't want to make you feel ashamed because people will talk... About... This..." I said looking to the ground "Let them talk. I am not ashamed to be with you." he said "Are you sure about this?" I asked and he tangled his and with mine again "Yeah, babe." he said and we continued walking. (Minutes passed, Clary and Jace were walking, hand in hand, until someone pushed Clary and she fell. She hit her head on a stone and she fainted...)
Jace's POV:
"Clary!" I screamed and got down, I softly picked Clary's head and I started to see blood coming out of her head.
"What did you do!?" I yelled at the girl when I looked at her I knew who she was, Nicky, the popular girl at school "Oh common! She deserved it!" she said "What has she done to you!?" I yelled again "Was born." she answered "You're an idiot! Just go away!" I yelled at her, Clary's losing too much blood.
I picked my phone with my free hand and called to 911.
#Emergency call on#
911} Hello, good morning. Which service would you like to call?
Jace} Hello, good morning. I would like to call an ambulance, there's a hurt person losing too much blood.
911} What's the adress?
Jace told the adress
911} Alright, there's an ambulance on your way.
#Emergency call off#
"Hang on Clary. They're coming." I said although she's unconscious.
Her eyes started to open slowly "Ja... ce..." she called "I'm here babe. Hang on, Clary. There's already an ambulance on our way." I said "I...ha...ve...to...c...call...my...mom...to...let...her...kno...
know..."Clary said "Give me your phonr, I'll call her." I said and she tried to pick her phone "It's...in...my...butt...je...
jeans...pocket..." she said and I picked her phone and searched for her mother's number and called it.
When I hang up the ambulance was already here and was taking her inside the ambulance "I'm sorry sir. Are you a family member?" the paramedic asked "No. I'm her boyfriend." I answered "Sorry you can't come with us." the paramedic said "Please let me go with her..." I said "Jace..." Clary hardly called me "Sorry, only family members can come with her." the paramedic said "Please Jace... Don't...leave me..." Clary said "I won't I promise you babe. Please paramedic, let me go with her." I said "Alright, just because the patient want you to go." he said "Thank you so much." I thanked and run to her side and she grabbed my hand "Jace... My head hurts..." she said "You hit your head babe. But everything will be ok..." I said "I'm bleeding?" she asked "Yes baby. But they're gonna treat you..." I said and the ambulance stopped and the paramedics took her inside the Hospital and I walked with them, next to her while she grabbed my hand.
Once we entered the Hospital the doctor came and took Clary.
"Jace..." she called "Clary." I said "Stay with me..." she said "Baby, I can't go with you this time. But I won't leave this Hospital without you. You have my word." I said "Ok..." she said and the doctors entered a room.
"Jace! What have you done to my daughter!?" Jocelyn yelled "Nothing. I swear, we were walking and chatting and someone pushed her and I couldn't grab her so she fell and broke her head miss Morgenten." I explained "Where is she?" Jocelyn asked "With the doctors..." I answered "You're lucky Clary's dad couldn't come because he would start yelling and wouldn't believe you." Jocelyn said "You should leave." she said again "I can't Miss Morgensten. I promised Clary I wouldn't leave the Hospital." I said "You two became really good friends in just a few days." Jocelyn said.
"Mr. Wayland? Miss Fairchild's alright. She's awaken and asking for you." the doctor said "Thank God she's alright." I said "You better come in because Miss Fairchild was desperate calling for you sir." the doctor said "Of course. Which room is she doctor?" I said and the doctor pointed and I run until there.
"Jace..." Clary called once I opened the door "Clary. Thank God you're alright." I said and run to her side "Clary! What happened?" Jocelyn said "I was with Jace walking and chatting until someone pushed me." Clary answered "Oh sweetie. Who did that to you?" Jocelyn questioned "I don't know mom..." Clary replied "I know who did it. And that girl's going to pay and regret it." I said mad "Calm down Jace." Clary said "Calm down? She hurt you. How do you expect me to calm down?" I said "Who pushed my daughter?" Jocelyn asked "Nicky did." I answered.
"Miss Fairchild, you can go home now." the doctor said "Okay." Clary said "I must go now, your mother probably wants to be alone with you." I said and was starting to walk but Clary grabbed my hand "Don't go... Please." Clary said "Clary, you know I'm all alone at home because my parents passed away... I want to stay with you but I still have to make my dinner when I get home and it can't be very late..." I explained "You can have dinner at our house." Jocelyn offered "Thank you Miss Morgensten but I don't want to bother." I said "It's not a bother." Jocelyn replied "Please Jace... Have dinner with me. I mean, with us." Clary said "I really don't wanna give much work to you Miss Morgensten." I said "You don't." Jocelyn replied "Please Jace..." Clary said "Okay then. Thank you so much Miss Morgensten." I said "Jocelyn please." Jocelyn said "Okay. Sorry Mi.., I mean Jocelyn." I said.
Clary got up and almost fell again but I caught her "I got you. You're ok?" I asked "I don't feel my legs. It must be the anesthesia." Clary said "May I pick Clary in my arms until she can feel her legs Miss, I mean Jocelyn?" I asked properly "Of course you may. I can't carry her so. Somebody has to." Jocelyn answered "Thank you for your permission." I said and picked Clary "Let's go." Clary said and Jocelyn lead us to her car.
Jocelyn opened the door for me so I could sit Clary and so did I and sat next to Clary.
When we finally arrived at Clary's house Jocelyn stopped the car on their garage "Can you feel your legs now Clary?" I asked "May I pick her again Jocelyn?" I asked properly getting out of the car "Sure you may." Jocelyn answered "Thank you for your permission." I thanked taking Clary out of the car carefully.
We went to the front door, Jocelyn opened it and we entered it.
"Where should I sit you Clary?" I asked "Wherever you sit. Or just don't sit me." Clary answered whispering in my ear "Are you crazy Clary? Your mom will get mad at me." I whispered back "Why don't you sit her on the couch?" Jocelyn asked "Mom I don't want to sit." Clary said "But you'll make Jace get tired." Jocelyn said "It won't right Jace?" Clary said "Of course it won't make me tired you're not heavy." I answered "Okay then. When she feel her legs again put her down." Jocelyn said "Yes Miss." I said "I can feel them now, but don't put me down." Clary whispered "Mom, can Jace take me to my bedroom for me to take off my shoes?" Clary asked "Sure." Jocelyn answered and I walked upstairs to her bedroom and put her on the bed.
"Jace. Can you take my shoes off babe?" Clary asked "Shh. Clary, do you want your mom to know about us already?" I asked taking off her shoes "You're right. It's still really soon to tell her." she said while I was taking off her other shoe and suddenly she kissed me and I kissed her back and suddenly the door was opened by Jocelyn but we stopped kissing before she saw us and I putted her shoe on the ground "Is everything alright?" Jocelyn asked "Yeah mom I was just taking off my shoes." Clary said "Yeah, we were going downstair now." I said and picked Clary up again "Clary, you still don't feel your legs?" Jocelyn asked "Not really mom." Clary said "Ok. The dinner is ready." Jocelyn said and I walked behind her, once we got to the dinner room I sat Clary on a chair and sat next to her and Jocelyn sat on the other side of Clary.
(...) Few minutes later
We all finished the meal.
"I better go now Clary, thank you Miss Morgensten for the dinner. Bye Clary. Goodbye Miss Morgensten." I said "I walk you out." Clary said "Thanks Clary." I thanked and we both walked to the outdoor "Bye baby." I whispered in her ear which made her shake and byte her lip softly "Bye angel." she whispered too in my ear and kissed me.
We broke the kiss before somebody saw it "Bye my babe." I whispered miving my thumb down slowly for her lips "See you tomorrow." I whispered on her ear again and it made her have goosebumps and left.
Clary's POV:
Jace always give me goosebumps when he whispers in my ear.
Well, I'm going to call Simon.
#Call on#
Simon} Hi Clary. What's up?
Clary} Hey Simon! Can you pass by my house now? I need to tell you something.
Simon} I can't now. Can you tell me by the phone?
Clary} Ok. Although I'd rather tell you personally but it's ok.
Simon} Tell me then.
Clary} Simon, I am seeing someone.
Simon} Who is the lucky guy?
Clary} I hum- I'm seeing-dating I mean... I'm dating Jace.
Simon} Cool! Now we can have a double couple date.
Clary} But Simon, you cannot tell my family or Luke, or Dot either.
Simon} Sure. Why?
Clary} Because things between me and Jace aren't serious yet. And it has to be me and Jace who tells her.
Simon} Ok then. I gotta run. Izzy's waiting for me.
Clary} Ok. Bye!
Simon} Bye!
#Call off#
Simon's so cool with this. That's why he's my best friend, he always supports my choices.
Hey mundanes!
Hope you liked it!
Vote if you did!
Once again, this is my first fanfic so I ask for a little comprehension of my fav mundanes!
Sorry for the grammar error but I'm Portuguese, not English!
I hope to see you guys on the next chapter!
Kisses from ME to all my mundanes.
Love y'all!

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