5th Chapter: Morning at Jace's House

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Jace's POV:
I woke up still with Clary in my arms against my chest.
I picked my phone and it's 6:45 in the morning.
I won't wake her up yet.
I left the bed carefully and went to the bathroom.
A few moments later I came back to my bedroom and Clary was still sleeping.
I got dressed and left home to buy some food for breakfast and for lunch.
Clary's POV:
I woke up and turned around to see Javmce but he's gone.
It's 7:23 in the morning, where the hell is Jace?
Suddenly my phone rings, I have a message.
Izzy: Hey girl! Are you awake?
Clary: Hey Izzy! Yeah, I just woke up.
Izzy: Cool! How was your night at Jace's?
Clary: It was amazing!
Izzy: Wow! Did you guys...?
Clary: What!? No Izy! We just started dating a day ago!
Izzy: Clam down girl! I was just kidding.
Clary: Idiot! I hate you!
Izzy: No, you don't. You can't hate me.
Clary: You know me so well.
Izzy: I really do.
I heard,a door opening.
Clary: Gotta go. Bye.
Izzy: Ok, bye girl.
I laid my phone on the bed's table and pretended to be asleep again.
The bedroom door is opened and Jace walks in.
I hear footsteps getting closer and I start feeling Jace's breath on my neck.
Suddenly Jace starts kissing softly my neck and leading to my lips and I slowly opened my eyes.
"Good morning angel." Jace said breaking the kiss.
"Good morning." I said.
"Did you have a good night?" Jace asked.
"Yeah. Better then ever." I said.
"Good. You hungry?" he asked.
"A bit but don't bother." I answered and sat on the bed and got closer to him.
He pulled me to his lap and kissed my lips.
His tongue touched my lips and I let it in.
Our tongues we're fighting for each others mouth.
We broke the kiss and gasped for air.
"You need to eat. Let's have breakfast." he said.
"I see an delicious breakfast here." I can't believe I just said it, what is he going to think now!?
"You did not just said that." he said laughing.
"I did, but I don't think I mentioned it." I said and my cheeks went red as blood.
"You're so cute when your cheeks tourn red." he said and I couldn't say anumything but smile.
"Let's eat." I said and we both got up and went to the kitchen.
"What do you want to eat?" he asked.
"Anything. Whatever you eat." I said.
"Do you like chocolate milk and bread with strawberry jam?" he asked.
"I love it!" I answered.
"Good. I'll make it. Sit on the couch or something while I prepare it for us." he said.
"Let me help you." I said.
"No. You go watch tv or something." he said.
"Ugh! Fine." I said and went to the living room and sat on the couch turning on the tv and watching it.
"Babe! Breakfast's ready!" he called after a while.
"Coming!" I replied and got up turning off the tv and walking to the kitchen.
"Hope you like it." he said laying a kiss on my lips.
"I'm sure I'll like it." I said putting my arms around his neck.
"Let's just go eat babe." he said with his hands on my waist.
"OK." I said and Jace grabbed my waist with more strength and lift me up sitting me on a chair and I giggled.
We started eating but a few minutes later my phone rang.
I got up and went to see who was calling me 'Dad' I read on the screen and I picked up.
While my dad was talking I felt my tears starting to fell down my cheeks burning as fire.
"Clary? What's wrong babe?" Jace asked coming to me and hugged me.
I hang up and hugged Jace harder crying into his chest.
"M-my mom just had an accident..." I said while my tears started to fell faster from my eyes.
"I'm so sorry baby girl." he said and hugged me closer to him.
"I gotta get dressed to go visit my mom at the Hospital." I said breaking the hug.
"OK babe. Do you want me to make you company at the Hospital?" he asked cleaning my tears with his thumb.
"No babe. I need a few time alone with my dad. But you can take me to the Hospital if you want." I said.
"Sure. There's no way I would let you go to the Hospital all by yourself." he said.
"Thanks babe. You can make me company while I get dressed." I said and grabbed his hand.
"You sure baby girl?" he asked.
"Babe, what have we talked yesterday?" I said while I walked til his bedroom with him.
"Ok baby." he said "Do you want me to call Izzy and Simon to tell them?"
"Wouldn't you mind?" I said.
"Of course not Clary." he said and grabbed the phone.
"Thanks." I said.
"Always." he said and typed the phone number.
I took off his T-shirt he gave me and put on the dress I got yesterday once I left the other clothes at Izzy's house.
"Izzy and Simon are on their way here." he warned.
"Ok babe. Thanks." I said.
I ended to dress up and a few minutes later someone knocked the door.
"It must be them." I said and Jace went to open it.
"Clary!" Simon called running towards me and hugged me.
"Simon..." I said hugging him back.
"Let's go, Clary. Your dad must be wondering where you are." Jace said and I broke the hug between Simon and I.
"Clary, I'm so sorry about your mother..." Izzy said coming to hug me and a few seconds later she let me go.
"Can we go?" I asked.
"I won't go with you guys." Simon said.
"Why?" I asked.
"I gotta go home to tell my mom what happened." he answered.
 "Ok." I said and we all left Jace's house.
Simon went to his car and Izzy, Jace and I went to Jace's car.
Jace drove me til the Hospital where my dad was waiting for me outside.
I left Jace's car laying a kiss on his lips and runned to my dad hugging him and crying.
Jace and Izzy left and me and my dad entered the Hospital.
"How's mom?" I asked.
"She's unconscious Clarissa..." my dad said.
"How did this happened?" I asked again.
"She was driving to her work and she had an accident. We're lucky she's alive. The driver on the other car died." he answered.
"Mr. Morgensten?" the doctor called.
"Yeah?" my dad replied.
"Your wife is awaken now but she lost her memories, the amnesia can last forever or just a few months. We couldn't define it yet." the doctor told.
"She doesn't remember anything?" my dad asked.
"I don't think so... All she says she knows is the name Clary and she says that it's probably her name, but we told her that her name is Jocelyn not Clary." the doctor explained.
"I am Clary." I said.
"What's your relation with her?" the doctor asked.
"I'm Jocelyn's daughter." I answered.
Suddenly I heard someone scream my name from my back.
I turned around "Simon..." I said and hugged him.
"Hello Clary. I am so sorry for what happened  How's your mother?" Simon's mother asked.
"She's with amnesia." my dad answered before I could even open my mouth.
"She forgot everything?" Simon's mom asked.
"Al she knows is my name but she though it was her name." I said.
"Your mom lost her memories?" Simon asked.
"Haven't you heard?" I answered.
"I am so sorry Clary..." Simon said.
"Mr. Morgensten, you and your daughter may come in." the doctor said.
"Thank you doctor." my dad thanked "Come Clarissa."
"I'm just behind you dad." I said walking behind g my dad.
Once the doctor opened the door I runned til my mom.
"Mom..." I said with tears rolling all over my face.
"Who are you?" she asked, my tears rolled faster, my mom not remembering me it's just to painful, it breaks my heart.
"I'm Clarissa Fairchild Morgensten, your daughter... You used to call me Clary..." I said still crying.
"So... You're Clary... M-my daughter?" she said still confused.
"Yeah." I said.
"How old am I?" she asked.
"You're 38 years old mom." I answered.
"M-my name's Jocelyn right?" she asked-
"Yeah. Jocelyn Fairchild Morgensten." I ansered.
"If you're my daughter, who's your father?" she asked.
"I am." my dad said walking to her.
"What's your name?" she asked.
"Valentine Morgensten." he answered.
"You're my only daughter?" she asked.
"Yes mom." I answered.
"How could I forget my daughter?" she said sad.
"You had an accident... It wasn't your choice..." I said.
"How old are you?" she asked.
"I'm 18." I answered.
"So... Did you moved out?" she asked.
"No mom. I still living with you." I answered and hold her hand.
"Oh... Good." she said.
"Can I hug you?" I asked.
"Sure." she said sitting on the bed and I hugged her but a few seconds later she broke the hug.
"Have I done something wrong?" I asked concerned.
"No Clary... I just remembered something."she said.
"What did you remembered?" I asked curious.
"I just remembered being in a pool with a girl, I think it's you, throwing her in the air and catching her..." she said "Is she you?"
"It was, I remember it." I said.

To be continued...
Hey mundanes!
Sorry for not updating earlier I've been so bisy.
By the angel! It only lefts 1 month for my birthday yay!
Hope you're all OK.
Hope you liked the chapter and I hope you're enjoying the story.
Vote and comment your opinion and feel free to comment some ideas you may have!
I'm thinking on adding a new character, what do you think? Should I?
Thank you for reading my story!
Love y'all my favorite mundanes.
Kisses for my mundanes!
Bye, I will be waiting you in the next chapter 😉 !

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