Chapter twenty eight: Stripper Time.

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It's almost time for graduation. Four more weeks of school. The rally is before the last week. Finals sneaking up on us. I've been coped in my room. Notes scattered on my floor and bed. Pens, highlighters color my hands and my duvet. Crumpled papers over flowing falling on the floor. With finals, graduation, and the move to NYC I have a lot to do. I'm probably gonna procrastinate and not pack until June. That leaves me a month to get stable in NY. Find a job, apply for classes. Holy shit I need money.

Skimming through equations, vocabulary, and dead people I finally get a break and walk down stairs.

"Did you finish studying?" Gonzalo asks. I sigh and go into the cupboard grabbing a bag of chips and a Gatorade. "I'll take that as a no." He chuckles before going back to his game.

One bag of chips and a Gatorade later...

I'm laying upside down caught under the masses of work. I groan laying a hand on my stomach leaning upwards. I glance at the clock 1:15 am.

I groan tiding the mess of papers. I slip into my shorts and sports bra before slipping in between my sheets. I get comfortable then realize I didn't turn out the lights.


I look roll over t my side and see the time. 6:59.

Holy shit!!!

I scramble out of my bed grabbing clothes from my dirty clothes hamper. Hey they don't smell bad. I brush my teeth and wipe the crust out of my eyes. I throw my brush into my backpack along with all the papers around my room. I grab a pair of socks from the drawer and grab my phone and shoes. There's ten notifications from Xavier.

"I'm here." I yell opening the door and throwing everything in.

I pull down the mirror and start brushing my hair. I apply some ChapStick and tie my shoes.

I get out of the car and everything is done. I grab my bag and sprint to class before the bell rings. Well, I reach the door when the bell rings.

She let it slide because I was already at the door. I yawn and grab my notebook from my bag. I doodle as she starts the class.

"I hope you all are ready for the quiz today." I snap my head up and stare at the papers in her hand.

I hope you get papercut...on your tongue.

She pass them back and I look at the jumble of letters and numbers on the paper.

When did we learn this?

Was I absent?

Kill me now!!

See I liked you math. A lot actually. Then you went and started messing around with the alphabet.

"You have 30 minutes to complete it." The teacher says breaking me from my thoughts.

Okay let's start with an easy one. I check both sides of the paper.

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