Chapter twenty nine: Small Penis.

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Guess what today is?

It's Wednesday ma dudes.

Not really, or could be, but it's graduation day.

Well I know it is but I'm sleep. Good ol' sleep. My best friend in the whole wide world. I squeeze the pillow tighter and turn on my side. My eyes flutter open and see Daniel.

"Morning babe." He smiles. An angel has woken me up, a very hot angel.

"Morning hot angel." I snuggle deeper into my sheets closing my eyes.

That's funny, that angel kinda looked like-

"Daniel." I yawn scratching my yes.

"The one and only." He stretches. His muscles flexing. Huh wait I can see them.

"Where's your shirt?" I crawl out of my bed.

He whistles and I turn around and look at him. His hands are resting behind hid head and he's staring at me.

"I was enjoying the view." He smirks. I look down and remember what I slept in. A pair of blue undies and a large white T-shirt.

"God, you're such a pervert." I put on a pair of shorts and walk to the bathroom.

I play my moms songs (Nicki, Beyoncé, and Rihanna). I mean like all their albums. And that's why girls spend so much time in the bathroom.

"But, baby, don't get it twisted.
You was just another nigga on the hit list. Tryna fix your inner issues with a bad bitch.
Didn't they tell you I was a savage." I sing along brushing through my hair.

"Hurry up!" Gonzalo yells banging on the door.

"You needed me. Ohh, you needed me." I continue. He hits the do it some more. I sigh and unlock the door.

"Put some pants on." He grumbles.

"Put a shirt on." I mock him. He smiles before slamming the door in my face.

I walk back into my room jumping on Daniel.

"Where'd Daniel go? He disappeared." I laugh as he wiggles under me.

"I was sleeping." He says, but it was muffled because of the pillows.

"Who said that?" He pushes me off him. I giggle as he wraps his arms around my waist, putting me on his lap.

"I said that dummy." I fix the hair that fell onto his face.

"Much better." I smile kissing him.

"Good." He starts but I stop him.

"Grips on your waist front way back way. You know that I don't play. Streets not safe but I never run away even when I'm away." I sing. Daniels fingers dig into my waist. He's body stiff underneath me.

"Please stop moving." He strains as he sighs closing his eyes.

"Am I doing something wrong?" I purposely move my hips closer to him, smiling innocently.

"Ay Díos Mío." He sighs.

"Do you need help?" I move more.

He flips me over so he's hovering above me. He slowly kisses my jaw, then my neck. Kissing my collar bone tracing it over with his tongue. His hands slip under my large shirt setting my body ablaze. My fingers frolic through his hair. His lips are on mine and his hands exploring my stomach and thighs. His tongue dances with mine, until it all stops. He slowly pulls away getting up.

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