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hey y'all, it's been a while. I'm gonna be honest--I'm not the best @ fast updates. And I apologize. These last few months have been busy and exhausting (lots of choral activities) and I'm glad to say that I'm officially almost done with the school year. Here's the update :) xo Sam


Shawn's eyes go wide, his hands nervously gripping each other. "Taylor I can explain--" 

I drag my hands down my face, groaning, then pinch the bridge of my nose. "Shawn why did you tell him? We can't have people know about this, especially our friends!" 

"I'm sorry, I just, I don't, I-I-I I, I--" he stutters out as he starts hyperventilating. I quickly make my way to him and try to calm him down. "Shhh, shh, Shawn it's okay Princess. Do you have an inhaler? Do you need an inhaler?"  

Shawn nods, pointing to the kitchen. I quickly run in, seeing the gray case in the side pocket of his bag. I run to him, taking the cap off and letting him administer the medication himself (A/N: if anyone ever needs their inhaler like that, provide them with it and always let them do it themselves, never try to do it for them). After a tense 20 seconds of silence, he looks up at me and starts to cry. I hug him tightly. Maybe next time I shouldn't be so harsh...

"Look babe, I only freaked out because I don't want to put everyone we love in danger, especially those who are close to you. Shit, you were extremely upset about Berkley and you barely knew him, imagine if something happened to Hayes? Or Ashton? Or Harry? I just want you and your friends and family to be safe ok? That's why you have to be careful with who you tell," I try explain as nicely as I can. I'm not the best with words. 

He nods, and grips me tighter. 


The next day at school, there are security guards. Like a BUNCH of security guards. They're pretty intimidating too. Like there's this one guy who's at least  6'6, and he's buff as hell and he has an eyepatch. A fucking EYEPATCH. WHAT DID HE DO IN ORDER TO GET AN EYEPATCH?!

Shawn looks at me nervously through out the day. It gets so bad that teachers hold him after class to ask if everything's okay at home. Once he comes out of the classroom of the 4th teacher, I cradle him into my chest. 

"Babe what's wrong?"

"I'm just nervous about you. I'm scared. What if they find something from you?" he whispers. 

"Babe they're not gonna find anything, I promise you. I've been in the game for too long to make rookie mistakes like keep my deal in my locker," I whisper back, kissing his forehead.  He sighs contently, leaning more into my touch. It's moments like these I savor the most.

"Hey guys!" a chirpy voice says from behind us. We turn around and see Cameron, eyes bright and smiley, standing next to one of the many spawns of satan at this school, Nash. Nash and I lock eyes, glaring at each other for what feels like forever but is probably just a minute or two. 

"So I was thinking we could go out tonight? Grab some ice cream or something?" Cameron says, adjusting his backpack strap.

"You mean all of us? Or just the four of us?" Shawn asks.

"Whichever one you want Shawny, I'm down for either," 

"Well Cam, I think the four of us would be better, that way we don't have to coordinate with like a gazillion bajillion people," 

"Alright, sounds good!" Cam smiles. The bell rings soon after, signaling our next class. Cameron pulls Shawn in for a quick hug, and quickly starts to make his way to class. Nash is still standing in front of us when Cam starts to leave, and the senior stops his pace to turn around and yell at him to "come on!" Grier and I share one last glare before the shaggy haired demon makes his way to Cameron, hiding his evilness with a friendly and innocent façade. I honestly can't stand that bitch, I really don't want to go for ice cream with him. But then again, it would make Shawn happy. 


Okay. I'm honestly fucking done. I don't want to be in this dumb ass parlor anymore with this god damn piece of shit Nash. Not only is his presence annoying and horrible enough, this bitch is flirting--FLIRTING--with my  Princess!! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK HE KNOWS THAT SHAWN IS MINE HE JUST WANTS TO BE A FUCKING--

"Taytay? Are you okay? You seem mad..." Shawn says softly.

"Why would you think I'm mad Princess?"

"You snapped the spoon in half..."

I look down at my hands, now red and pulsing from the amount of pressure put into them to snap the utensil. The spoon now lies in three pieces in my palm, with tiny little splinters and fragments lightly sugar coating it. 

"Shit, um, sorry. I was a bit lost in my own thoughts. I'll be back," I say, getting up and heading to the bathroom. Once in there, I splash my face with cold water.  As I'm drying my face, Nash walks in smirking. 

"Why'd you snap the spoon TayTay? Huh?" he chuckles.

I don't reply, ignoring him. I'm about to leave when he blocks my exit.

"Answer the question, Caniff," he says, his breath all up in my nostrils. He should really invest in some mints or something.

"You damn well know the answer to that dumb ass question," I grumble, trying to shove past.

"Is the answer, that you were thinking about how I'm infiltrating almost every aspect of your life now? Because if it is, I'll have you know seeing you pissed the fuck off is the most satisfying thing in the entire world, besides my dad's stash," he smirks, running a hand through his oily ass hair. 

"Speaking of stash, did you get yours out of your locker?" I ask, knowing that I saw him with a bag earlier today. His eyes go wide.

"Oh fucking shit..." he mumbles. I smirk.

"Oh Nash, you know you cant put stashes in lockers. Rookie mistake, quite sad considering you dad's position in his drug gang. Let's hope those officers haven't checked your locker yet," 

And with that, I walk out of the bathroom. Shawn looks at me, cocking his eyebrow. I wave him off, gesturing that I'll tell him later.

Tainted (Shaylor AU) (boyxboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora