21 [Breathe]

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A/N: So yeah, I forgot to mention that there's mpreg in this book?! It's not gonna be like some fancy thing or something super rare. We're just trying to keep it casual for what we're planning...


Tuesday mornings never seemed to work in my favor. It's the day my mom goes for her early morning run, my dad works an earlier shift, and Aaliyah has no ride to school, so I have to walk her to the middle school not too far away. On the walk back home, I get a text that only mildly surprises me.

From Hazza 😚:

Shawn I need to talk to you ASAP!!

Harry always has some seemingly huge life crisis until one of us comes and debunks it for him. I just put a little pep in my step, hoping to get to school somewhat earlier. The dull ache in my stomach soon goes away as I reach the fence of the school.

Not surprisingly, Harry's seated on the front steps of the school, running his hands through his long curls. He looks distressed, causing me to chuckle and shake my head. When he finally meets my eyes, he shoots up and practically sprints over to me, vaguely resembling a pissed off baby deer.

"We need to talk." He breathes out.

"Yeah, I got your text, what's up?"

Harry looks around, making sure no one is listening before continuing. "I know about the drugs."

My jaw instantly locks, and I feel tears start to prick the corners of my eyes. "Louis told you? After I kept both of your secrets?!"

"No, wait- yeah! I know he told me and he's sorry but he said he was worried. What's wrong with you? Why would you ever get involved with something like that? I thought you were smarter than this Shawn!"

Just like that, my bottom lip is wobbling as tears finally flow down my face. I bury my face in my hands as the stray tears turn into sobs.

"I'm sorry. I'm dumb, I know. What did I get myself into? It's okay if you hate me, I deserve it!" I stammer.

Harry just huffs. "Shawn? Babe, don't cry. Look, I'm sorry. You're not dumb. I'm just worried and scared. I know how harsh and dangerous those things can be. I don't want you to get hurt."

I shake my head. "I won't get hurt. Taylor will protect me."

The bell rings, signaling that both Harry and I only have five minutes to get to class.

"He can only do so much, Shawn. He's only one person. Come on, we gotta get to class."


JJ runs a hand over his skinny jeans, smoothing out the wrinkle he saw. He keeps blabbering on about something related to the Notebook and him wanting to kiss in the rain. My attention is just trained on the crew walking down the halls.

Dressed in mainly black or other dark colors, the group makes their way down the halls, which are parting for them like a scene out of Mean Girls. JJ is oblivious until they're near us, receiving a quick wink from Jack. I continue to look for Taylor, frowning when he's nowhere to be found.

"Shawn?" JJ asks when they finally pass. "Where you even listening?"

I nod, not wanting to make him feel bad. "Yeah of course. Kissing in the rain has always been your dream. What's so special about it now?"

"Well I have someone to do it with!"

I raise my eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"Ugh, this was basically just a long way to tell you that I have a boyfriend, finally."

"You and Jack are dating? That's so cute, yet predictable. Gosh, JJ, step up your game."

He chuckles, rolling his eyes at me. "Get out of my face."

Now it's my turn to laugh, but our exchange is halted when a panting figure runs up to us. The brunette stops short, placing a hand on each knee as an attempt to catch his breath.

"Have you guys seen Aaron?" Hayes finally breathes, exasperated.

When both of us shake our heads, he lets out a frustrated groan. He looks worried, which concerns both me and JJ.

"Why? Is everything okay?" Jack asks.

"No, it's not. I can't find him anywhere. We fought last night and I haven't seen him or heard from him since. I have no idea where he could've gone."

"And no one has seen him?" I reply, now truly worried.

"I even asked Ms. Helbig at the front desk, and she said he was absent. But when I went to his house at lunch, no one was home. I'm just really fucking scared." Hayes blabbers, finally letting tears flow down his pale cheeks.

I cringe slightly at his word choice, but will myself to be a good friend. JJ immediately brings him into a hug, allowing the taller boy to almost engulf him. Hayes is crying steadily now, obviously upset, but not too far gone.  When Ashton walks (more like limps) over, concern is written all over his face.

"What's going on?" He inquires.

I shake my head in response. "He's just shaken up because no one can find Aaron."

Ashton nods knowingly and seeming slightly less concerned now. The buzzing of the hallway doesn't stop, proving how minor our problems are in comparison to the school. We're single cells in the organism of high school. No one cares if one of those cells metaphorically dies. Every one can be replaced.


I place my house keys on my counter as I walk into my house. The crinkle of worry in my brow still hasn't gone away. No news from Aaron, and Hayes is still working himself into a frenzy. I take a deep breath, in and out, just like Harry taught me. A shrill voice scares me out of my peaceful state.

"It took you long enough."

When I turn around, my sister is standing there with her hands on her hips. She looks a lot like my mother in that moment. I place a hand over my heart, the initial fear leaving my body.

"Oh my god, Aaliyah, you scared me. What are you doing here?"

"I'm 12. I live here?"

I roll my eyes at her little attitude. "No I thought you were sleeping over at Maya's house."

Maya and Aaliyah had always been close since Aaron and I became friends. Since she's Aaron's little sister, I totally forgot that she might know where he is.

"No, she couldn't. Apparently Aaron's really sick and he had to go to the hospital this morning."

My jaw drops in disbelief. "Do you know what happened to him?"

"I don't know. She didn't say."

I close my eyes, bringing my hands to punch the bridge of my nose. Deep breath in and out. Aaron is in the hospital, but no one has thought to tell his friends or even his boyfriend? That's awful. I grab my phone, instantly texting Hayes about the revelation.

"He's okay, she said." Aaliyah speaks up again. "There's no need for you to worry."

"I'm not, okay?" I assure her, trying my best not to show my concern. "We should order dinner or something. Is Chinese okay?"

She nods, smiling softly.

"Then Chinese it is."

A/N: Yeah, so nothing mpreg ish in this chapter really. Sorry for the wait for the update tho.

QOTD: Favorite take out or delivery food?

AOTD: Pizza 🍕🍕

Love you,

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