Chapter 24

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"Do you know what happened to you?" He begins to get angry, his hand staring to crush mine until I release a small "ow". He lets go and gets up. He starts pacing and glances at the boys again. He sighs and is about to say something when Niall walks in.


Niall walks in and instantly I am sucked into a memory.

Once his shirt is off he starts kissing me. I don't kiss him back and he gets angrier. He sits up and slaps me hard on the cheek.

"Kiss me back!" he roars.

"" I turn my head from him so he can't reach me but he pushes my head back and kisses me roughly.

I hear his belt jingle and I know what's about to come.

"No..." I mumble to myself. That couldn't have happened. I can't remember anything.

Once his pants are successfully undone, he whispers in my ear "Baby you're about to have an experience you won't ever forget,".


It hurts, which causes my stomach to hurt. My body immediately wants to reject the foreign body part but he presses on, thrusting harder into me.

I begin to cry. I fall apart, holding my head in my hands. Why would he do this? "Hello Indieana, are you feeling better?" Niall asks softly, standing next to me. I jump, immediately looking up.

"Get away from me! Go!" I scoot as far back as I can from him. I don't want to be around him, he makes me remember too much. "Indieana...what's wrong?" he steps closer to me as I begin to cry harder.

"I...I remember what happened. were there. And he was there. H-He...raped me." If there was a possible way for me to cry more tears, I would be doing that. "Indie," he murmurs softly, reaching up to stroke my hair.

"Stop! Get away from me!" I cringe away from his hand, trying hard not to remember anything else. "You were there and you didn't do anything, I called for you and you didn't show up...I thought..." at this point my heartbeat spikes, alerting a different nurse than before.

"Sweetie what's going on? Your pulse is going crazy!" she glares at the boys, assuming they're the reason. "If you can't calm down, I'm gonna have to sedate you." she states, concern and annoyance mixed in her eyes.

"I'm fine," I snapped.

She sighs and walks away. I look at the boys, realizing they were here to hear Niall and I talking. They look shocked, none of them knowing what to do. "Please just go Niall." I mumbled.

"If that's what you want...I'll be here whenever you want me." he reaches for me but quickly drops his hand and walks away. He's out the door in mere seconds. "I'm ready to go home mom."

(wow, um pretty emotional.)

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