Chapter 1

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"Mom I'm going to be late for school! Hurry it up!" I yell to my mom, who's in the other room applying her 5th layer of mascara.

"Honey, perfection isn't easy. I want Dan to like me. You know what they say about first impressions." my mom says with a sigh. My mom has been telling me that for 10 years now. When she gets to the part about 90 seconds forming the first impression, I tune out.

Back in the day, my mom was beautiful. She had great skin tone, long black hair, beautiful smile (without the help of braces, I might add) and an all around good personality. It also helped that she was popular. She had the whole posse following her around. Cliché right?

I always love hearing the story of when she met my father. Kinda like an 80's romance movie. She met my dad when she went to the library at school to work on a research paper. He was the library assistant who had a crush on her for awhile. He knew they wouldn't be able to date because he was a nerd and she was popular but for some reason, she gave him a chance.

They were high school sweethearts and continued to be until I was 7. When I got home from picking fruit with my grandmother I noticed my mother had her head in her hands and was sobbing uncontrollably. I ran up to her and gave her a hug and shushed her crying. In my childhood head that was the best I could do.

I asked her what was wrong but the only thing she told me was that daddy wasn't going to be living with us anymore. In my innocence, I asked why. She said daddy didn't love us anymore and wanted to be with someone else. The only thing I felt after that was sadness and a tinge of anger. But I was only 7 so I didn't really understand what was fully going on at the moment.

Ever since then, I've felt off-balanced around guys. My dad tried to start a relationship with me as I got older but I was too angry and hurt to start one so I brushed him off and refused to answer his calls. Don't assume I'm one of those girls who won't open up to guys and moan about them being jerks. I just need to have a good enough reason to do so.

Since the split, my mom has been going from man to man, looking for the love she thought she had with my dad. When she was on boyfriend number 2, I slowly began giving up on the idea of being with your perfect somebody.
I shake my head to dismiss the thoughts.

Dan isn't someone I want my mom to date, period. The guy gives me the creeps. Something about him seems off...I tried to tell my mom that but she didn't listen to me. She got defensive and said I was just jealous.

Finally, my mom comes running to the living room looking for her purse. "Where is it?! I'm going to be late and Dan hates me being late!" she panicked. I rolled my eyes mumbling "late on picking him up because he has no car.".

While she runs to her room to search, I turn around and see her bag. "Found it mom. It's right where you left it." I hand her her bag as she runs to the door with her bag .While she rummages through her purse looking for keys, I head to the car.

When we pull out of the driveway, she turns on the radio and I hear the beginning chorus for "What Makes You Beautiful". I try to turn to a different station but my mom slaps my hand away says "I love this song! It so catchy!"

I turn my head and look out the window and wait for the school to appear. I attend a Senior High School in Oklahoma. It's a huge school with a ton of students. Soon enough the school appears. I lean over to give my mom a kiss on her waiting cheek and pop out the car. I turn around to wave but she's already gone. I look but don't see my friends Nate or Jewels around.

I sit on one of the benches and wait for them to come. I pull out my astronomy homework because I realized I forgot a few problems. After a few minutes, I realize I can't solve any of these problems without my teachers help. "Indieana!" I look up and see Jewels running towards me, a huge smile on her face and phone waving around.

Jewels is one of the rare pretty girls with a big heart. She's got wavy blonde hair that falls to her waist. Smoky green eyes and a killer body most girls envy and most guys lust after. Don't let that sweetness fool you. You get on her bad side and you might as well change your name because she won't let you forget it.

"Indieanaohmygoshyouwontbelie-" she said in a rushed voice.

"Woah slow down for a sec ok? I have no idea what you're saying," I said. She always gets like this when she's excited.
"You won't believe what I just found out! Are you ready for this? Drumroll please!" she says.

I do a drumroll on my thighs when she yells "One Direction is driving through Oklahoma to go to their concert in Texas!"

"How do you know this is true?" Maybe I'll finally be able to meet Niall!

"First I got a tweet notification from Liam saying that they're taking a detour and taking the "scenic" route though I have no idea why they think Oklahoma is scenic..." she stops to think about this for a second but my mind is already thinking of ways to meet them.

"Is that it? That doesn't prove anything." Jewels shoots me her infamous death glare. "Secondly, Zayn said they aren't driving through Arkansas but through a state called Oklahoma. Does that prove that I'm right?" she said, annoyed that I didn't believe her.

"What are you suggesting we do?" knowing her, she'll probably be trying to figure out where they're staying so she can confess her undying love to Liam. "So...What do you think about doing some spy work and figure out where they'll be staying?" Spot on wasn't I?

"Jewels. C'mon, you know I don't do that stuff. I told myself I'd never be one of those girls who did that. I'd rather be-".

"Yeah I know Indieana. You'd rather be the girl they can actually talk to instead of knowing every little thing about them. I get that but c'mon, please come with me!" she pleads, flashing me the puppy dog look. "Jewels I can't go. I have homework."

"Who has homework?" Nate says. "God Nate, are you trying to give me a heart attack before my own time?" holding my hand to my heart. "Of course not Indie. I want you around for awhile." he says with a smirk.

"Nate! You got a haircut!" I gush excitedly. Usually this wouldn't be cause of a freak-out but Nate had long hair. When I say long, I mean LONG. It had something to do with a statement he was trying to prove. This of course triggers Jewels to say something.

"OH MY GOD NATE," she says with her jaw hitting the cement.

"Do you guys like it?" he says while messing with it nervously. "Nate, you look hot!" Jewels blurts out without realizing what she said. "Nate, you look nice and I'm glad you decided to lose the long hair. Long hair doesn't look good on guys anyways." I assure him with a smile.

"Thanks Indie and Jewels." he says sheepishly while looking at the ground.
As I continue to look at his hair I focus my attention on Nate himself. Nate is a tall guy with brownish hair and brown eyes. He kinda reminds me of the guy from Gossip Girl, Chace Crawford. He's got that put-together look with a touch of sexiness.

"Hey Indie," he asks. "I was wondering if maybe you could help me with a girl problem I'm having..."

"I'd love too! How about at lunch though? Jewels and I need to head to math because class is about to start soon." I anxiously look at my watch.

"Sure sure. I'll see you guys at the usual table." he responds already grabbing his stuff to leave.

(first chapters always suck, I'm sorry you had to read that)

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