Chapter 32

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Before I can finish my sentence, I'm greeted with an easy smile by Zayn Malik.


"Who. Is. That." I stand there, rooted to my spot. My muscles are stock still. Before I can pick my jaw off the ground, Harry walks out the door and meets Zayn, grabbing the bags. Zayn looks away and laughs at something Harry must have said.

Is this even real? What's going on? Harry looks up suddenly and his smile widens. He strolls over, hands in his skinny black jeans, shoes clicking on the cement.

"You must be very surprised." His voice is as deep in person as it is in the countless interviews Indie and I have watched. I don't really hear what he says, instead choosing to look at his red lips he just licked and his eyes. They really are every bit as gorgeous as the fanfics made them out to be.

Nate is the one to break the silence, giving a nervous chuckle. "You could say that. What are you doing here? How do you know Indieana?" he says in a kind of high pitched voice. There's a lot to explain and I think you should hear it from Indie.

She's actually in the kitchen today so maybe she'll talk more. I can barely get her to talk anymore...". He runs a hand through his hair and looks back, looking a little worried. Hmm....what have I stumbled upon?

I keep my mouth shut as I walk around him to get inside. I don't think Harry wants to know the things my mind is thinking of at the moment. I don't even check to see if Nate is following me. As I get closer to the garage door, I hear Carla talking but what surprises me is a strong but quiet voice say no.

I walk in and stop in my tracks. Indie is turned away from me but there is no mistaking the shortness or the frizz of her hair as if she's just waken up. From behind she looks normal but as she hears something, that something being me, she turns around.

I gasp and unconsciously take a step back. She's a completely different person. She's gotten skinnier, her cheekbones and collarbone definite under her v-neck. Her hair is greasy and poofy as if it hasn't been brushed in awhile. Her once smiling grey eyes now have purple bags. I search in my mind for a word that describes her and the only thing I can come up with is haunted. She is a haunted girl.

"Jewels." she whispers, shocked and some other emotion I can't place.

(thanks for reading!)

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