Chapter 7

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It was about three months later and things were starting to take a really huge turn for the better.

Ken and I actually had real conversations now, and I started coming to the studio with him regularly. Although, my little sparks with Drake died down 😒My eyes were solely on Kendrick Lamar Duckworth now, and my main focus was working to improving our marriage.

It was mid-June, and Kendrick had been working on a song with Big Sean.

This was the one song he wouldn't let me observe in the making. I didn't really mind though. It just intensified the excitement.

It didn't take them long to release the song so by August 12th the song was out and open for the public.

It was getting tons of feedback-some positive, most negative. Kendrick didn't really sweat it though. He was still the best in the game in my eyes.

What did scare me though was the hype about him now. He had been a little off the radar after the BET Awards, which gave us a sense of peace and more time to spend together.

But along with epic events comes epic hype, and with epic hype comes epic stalkers and music networks on TV and TMZ and etc.

We lived in a quiet, secluded house in San Fransisco though, so I didn't really think anyone knew or cared about where we lived since it was so hidden from civilization.

But on a cool late August night, an intruder decided to emerge from the shadows.

It was a night I'll never forget.

I had gotten up from my already restless slumber and went to the kitchen to heat up the leftover Chinese from last night.

I went to the sink, which was underneath a huge window that gave a clear view to our woodsy backyard, for a glass of water. I trudged to the living room which was a few steps away through a doorway.

I sat on the smooth, leather couch and scarfed down my chicken fried rice. Then I heard a click. I immediately stopped moving and felt almost paralyzed.

I had always heard stories of people and burglars and such... but I never thought it could happen to ME.

I promptly became aware of everything. Kendrick was sound asleep and the house was so quiet you could hear a fly suck the juice out of the fruits on the table.

All I could think about was how to get from my spot on the couch to the bedroom. I had two options. Go through the main door, or through the bathroom door that led to our bedroom (since the bathroom was connected to our bedroom.)

Just then, I heard heavy footsteps move swiftly across the floor.

Luckily for me I hadn't turned on any lights when I went to reheat my leftovers, so the only light illuminating the room was the sliver or so seeping through the cracks of the blinds from the moonlight outside.

Oddly enough, the intruder didn't have a flashlight and hadn't even turned on any lights.

So I got on my knees and crawled as silently as I could across our cold, marble floor. I had to move swiftly, because I had no idea where the invader was or where he was headed.

I got to the knob of the bathroom door and CLICK!

There goes the kitchen light. My heart pounds, knowing that he's close since the bathroom was only two steps from the kitchen.

The footsteps get closer.... and closer.... and as they come nearer, my heart started beating double-time.

I tried to twist the knob, but my palms were super sweaty. I tried to do it quietly, but it wasnt working.

Right as I have the knob semi-turned and was ready to bolt to the bedroom, the hallway light clicks and I look up and see a huge smirk on a figure's face and then.....

A Happy Home To Homicide *Kendrick Lamar Fan-Fic*Where stories live. Discover now