One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest

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I started to come to. I was on a stretcher. I woke up to that annoying ringing in my ears. There was a flickering dying light above me. I slowly opened my eyes all the way. I looked around. I was in a room that looked like they hadn't used since the murder of Kennedy...

There was light blue tiles covering the walls in the room. Some where missing, some were broken, some were stained. The floor was in the same shape. Instead of blue tiles it was black and grey checkerboard patterned. The room just had this really depressing vibe to it. It was poorly lit and smelled of dust.  

I tried to sit up but realized both of my wrists were tied down with leather straps. I heard foot steps approaching behind me and craned my neck around to see. 

A woman in a typical nurses white dress came in. Her heels clicked annoyingly. She looked to be about 40, with dark brown hair that was grey around the edges. Her face looked as if it was stuck in a scowl. She had blue eye shadow on but it looked as if she applied it with a paint roller.

She walked over to me. I began to speak. I was cut of by her bringing a hand to my forehead and pushing my head down. She fallowed that by shining a flash light in both of my eyes. She then twisted my face around to look at it from all sides. She walked over to the green counter and wrote something down on a piece of paper. She walked back over to me and quickly and silently undid my wrist bindings. With that she walked out of the room...

Exit: Nurse Ratched....she got strangled in the end didn't she? One can see their point...

I sat up and stretched a bit. my legs were asleep. I hopped down from the gurney and walked around the room. 

Nurse Ratched marched back into the room holding what looked like a pair of clothes. She laid them on my stretched "I am. Nurse Janice. Your head nurse. You will put these on and once you are finished you will come out and you will be taken to see the doctor" She said walking to the door, slamming it behind her.

I did what I was told. I put on the matching gray outfit. The material was really course and seemed cheaply made. I wonder how many other people wore this before I got it...? How well do they clean clothes here?

I did as I was told and walked out. I was in what looked like to be a waiting room. Nurse Ratched was sitting at a desk starring down at something with coffee in her hands. 

Two guards dressed in white were waiting for me. The came over. One put his hand on my shoulder and started to steer me in the direction we were going. I walked slow was I could, making the guards have to wait for me. It was a little game I played.

We finally got do where we were going. It was where the doctors offices all where apparently. I was directed into one of the offices. 

When I walked in a man was sitting at a huge oak dest. He had hard eyes and a bald head. He studied me intently. 

He stood. "My name is Dr. Strange." He said in some accent I couldn't pinpoint. 

Doctor Strange? 

"The name fits you" I said 

He looked down the end of his nose at me. 

"Mhmm. A joker I see" He replied. 

"Good one.." I replied sarcastically. 

"Please take a seat."  He said dryly, waving his hand at the chair that sat in front of his desk. I did. 

"I'm not crazy." I stated.

"Oh I'm sure you aren't." He said looking through some files.

"Then..why am I here?" I asked.

"Because. You are the only blood relative of the Joker ever. You could be the key to understanding him, to curing him. Or breaking him" He said.

"What?" I asked utterly confused.

"I do not care about your mental state, Ms. Durden. Your only reason for being here is so I can study the Joker...from another angle." He said coldly.


I was furious. If I'm not insane why am I here? So he can study be to somehow be able to get the upper hand on Joker? How does that even make sense?

"Probably. But, who's the patient and who's the doctor in this situation?" He asked with a sly smile on his face. 

I was so angry I couldn't even form words..

"Now. Tell me. Do you know Joker's true name?" 

I shook my head. 

"Where have you two been for this last few weeks?" 

"Don't know..." I said. 

"Has the Joker..." he began

"Don't know..." I interrupted. 

He breathed out quickly and abruptly stood. "Alright, Ms. Durden. I can see you need time to adjust. Maybe a night in solitary will get you settled in." He said as he pressed a button on his desk. Almost instantly two men in white came through the door and roughly escorted me out. 

From Dr. Strange's office we walked down a long hallway and boarded a elevator. We went down a few floors, I dint see how many. The floor we got off of was as if we got off on a different planet. Upstairs was crappy and run down but this floor, was worse. It was a dimly let hallway with only tiny red lights every few feet. It smelt horrible. Like I imagine a tomb would smell like. The floor was cold and rough on my socked feet. We walked down the crappy dark hallway and turned a corner. We got to a dingy white door with only a small window. It was opened and I was thrown in. 

I turned around to look at the two men. 

"Comfortable?" One of them asked? 

"Not really" I whispered. 

The other that hadn't spoke turned and left. I looked back at the other. His blue eyes stared angrily at me. 

"Good." He said. Without any warning he shoved his baton in my stomach forcing me to my knees. I began to cough hard. 

"I don't take lightly to the cum shot of the psycho who killed my best friend. But God, must be smiling on me that I get to see her locked away." He said with dark satisfaction in his voice. 

"I'm not my father!" I yelled. 

"No. Because if I ever see him, he's dead" 

The door slammed and I was left in complete darkness. 


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