Stupid Mistake

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The next morning I woke up and went upstairs to find Joker wasn't home. No note, just no Joker. It was 9 in the morning, I had nothing better to do, so like any lazy teen I decided I would go back to bed for a little bit. 

I slept until 10:30 and then layed in bed thinking things over for another 45 minutes. I wonder what my Mom is doing. She must be so scared with everything that happened.. I wonder where Razor is. I haven't seen him, or heard from him and Joker didn't say anything..

I got up and decided to get breakfast. Which was coffee and a few handfuls of cherries. We had next to no food in the house and I was starving. "Back to this, again" I thought.

I spent the morning watching crappy TV shows and then I decided I would clean my room and the rest of the house. Joker really didn't keep the place clean, like at all..

At around 8 that evening Joker came through the front door. He was wearing a red shirt and a purple vest. His hair was combed back into his usual fashion.

"Hey Kiddo" He said

"Where have you been?" 

"I came home only to get you. I have a meeting with a few of my men and I thought you would like to come." 

"Um, sure. I don't really have anything to add but sure" 

I quickly got changed and ran out the door. He was in his car flicking his knife about idly. And we took off at around 90 mph. 

His driving didn't even bother me anymore. It really should have. 

I got lost in thoughts of Razor again. I was starting to worry something was wrong. My face must have revealed how I was feeling. Joker sticking his blade in my mouth tore me out of my thoughts. 

I looked up at him. "Smile" He said not taking his eyes off the road. 

I could tell he wasn't serious due to the fact he had the dull side of the knife pressed against the inside of my mouth. I pulled away and flashed my biggest happiest fake daddy's girl smile I could. He chuckled a bit and then slipped the knife back into his pocket. 

"So what are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Oh, just typical business".

"So murdering, maiming, and running the streets of Gotham?" I said sarcastically

"Exactly" He said with a sneer. 

We finally pulled up to an old abandoned building that looked like if you breathed on it it would fall in onto itself. We were in the projects part of the city so that was expected.

Joker and I stepped out and headed for the entrance. 

"Wait out here." Joker said.

"Wait what? You brought me here just to stand outside? I could have just stayed home!" I said getting angry.

"It's nice to see you're considering it your home." He said with a smirk.

"Shut up! I want to go in! I don't wanna stand out here! What if somebody mugs me?" 

"Every mugger in this town knows not to mess with me, they won't lay a hand on you if they're smart." 

"I don't want to!" I screamed.

"Stay out her, Alaina" He said as he opened the door and slammed it behind him. 

Grr. He pissed me off. I took a seat on the brick wall that was running adjacent to the building. I picked at the skin next to my nails. I kept seeing things move out of the corner of my eye in the shadows. I tried to be brave.

"You're the Joker's daughter. Nobody will hurt you" I repeated to myself.

I heard a swooping sound fallowed by a thud. 

I looked up. There before me stood the batman..

"Nobody except him" I told myself. 

I was frozen in fear. I didn't know what to expect. He was huge and scary. Isn't he a good guy though? He's a hero. But maybe not if you're related to the Joker...

"Alaina Durden?" He asked.

"Who's asking?" I said trying to sound confident even though my voice shaked.

"Are you alright?" He said quietly

"Yes?" I said confused 

"The Joker? Where is he" 

"I don't know." I lied, trying to sound intimidating again.

"Why do you stay with that freak?" He said

"He's my father, and I don't have much of a choice..." Once I said that, I realized myself how screwed my life was. Even if I wanted to leave Joker, he'd never allow me to. 

"Come with me. I promise you will be safe." He said coming closer. 

He held his hand out to me. 

Did I want his help? Could he even help me? I really didn't want to be with the Joker, or at least I knew I shouldn't want to. Maybe he could help me..maybe. I should take the shot. 

I reached up and just as our fingers were about to touch - BANG!" 

Batman fell to the ground unconscious. Where he stood now Joker stood with a metal pipe in his hand. 

He was glaring at me. He looked furious. 


He grabbed my by the shoulders and threw me into the brick wall. My head bounced off it and I landed in a pile on the ground. He gave me a hard kick to the jaw and finally bent down and dragged me up by my hair. Picking me up roughly and caring me to his car. 

I began to cry and scream. 

I heard him open the trunk. He threw me in and quickly slammed it. My world went black. 

I heard him get in and start the engine. 


"I did everything for you". He said.

"I HATE YOU" I screamed. 

We went from 85 mph to a dead stop. The force sent me smashing into the front of the trunk. I hit my head off the metal body of the car. I screamed in pain.

"Little bitch" He shouted. 

"I wish I were dead!" I screamed. 

"After I'm through with you, you will".


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