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Suddenly everything okay. All the craziness and sadness melted away. I was in my own happy world, away from Joker and the rest of the shitty stuff in my life. I felt pleasure and calm all at once. It was great..

I'm not sure how long I had been I'm my own space, but after a while my bubble popped and I came crashing back down to earth. Back to the shitty little apartment in the Narrow with Cain looking down at me.

It took a minute. Everything wasn't quite in focus yet. I still felt fuzzy. And very weak. 

"Woah" I croaked. 

He laughed. It sounded amazing to me at that point.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"3 am" He answered.

I had to go. Joker would be looking. 

"I gotta go home". I tried to lunge up and suddenly i got very dizzy and thought I'd puke. I began to fall when my legs went jelly.

Cain caught me. "You're not good yet". He said sounding a little agitated.

"I know. But I gotta...." 

"Fine." He said. 

He grabbed a pen and wrote something on my hand. I didn't look at it. I was in too much of a rush. 

I turned to leave. And I'm not sure if it was the drugs or what but i turned and kissed him. His lips were soft and I could have stayed kissing him for a year...

I ripped myself away and without looking at him I bolted out the door on to the street. 

I honestly don't remember how I got back to Jokers. A bus? A series of busses? Somehow I made it. 

I swung the front door open and before i even was fully in Joker grabbed my wrist and threw me to the floor. 

"Where the fuck have you been?" He demanded.

"I needed to clear my head....I'm sorry." I answered. 

He raised a foot and kicked me under my ribs.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed. 

"You better be." He said through clenched teeth. 

"Okay okay!" A voice said interrupting the tension. 

I looked up to see Vanessa. "She apologized J. You don't need to keep beating her." 

"Joker walked over to her and flicked his knife out and held it to her lips. "Want me to play with you instead?" He asked in a creepy threatening voice. 

I stumbled to my feet and headed for the door. "Im going to bed night." I walked down stairs, well stumbled down the stairs and crashed on my bed. I felt funny. I felt like I was floating and everything was spinning. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. My arms burned and itched. It felt like my blood had turned to mud. I closed my eyes and slipped into darkness. 

I woke up when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 

I opened my eyes, and looked over at my alarm clock. It was 7:30 am. I'd been asleep for like 3 hours. 

Vanessa entered my room. 

"Hey" She greeted. 

"Hi..Hey, thanks for backing me up with-" My words were cut off when Vanessa slapped my across the face. I was stunned. I stared at her in aw. 

"Don't act innocent." She said angrily. 

"What?" I asked confused.

"I know you went out and did dope last night. I could tell from the moment you came through the door. Also I found this." She said pulling out a little baggy of what looked like sand.

Cain must have slipped that in my pocket when I didn't notice...

"Thats not mine." I said. 

"It was in your pocket. I saw it fly out when Joker threw you. Ah! Maybe I should tell J you're doping!" 

"NO DONT!" I screamed. 

"Fine. But if I ever find out you touched the stuff again, I'll rip your lungs out. " 

She threw the baggy at me "Get rid of it". 

With that she walked out. 

I just laid on my bed for what seemed like a long time. Joker called down and told me to get ready. 


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