Joker's Loose

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It was the beginning of my 4th period French Class. I sat at my desk picking the remaining blue polish off my nails. I did my best to avoid eye contact with anybody. I didn't know anybody in the class really. Well I knew them, but I didn't really associate with any of them. Class hadn't started so everybody was split into their friend groups talking and joking around. I had lunch at 12 and I was so hungry! I heard my stomach growl. Could anybody else?

Just then Addison McRay came in. She was about the most popular girl in the class. She was nice I guess. Fake nice. But I guess better than a raging bitch I guess.

"Did you guys hear what happened?" She asked to really nobody in particular. Somebody would answer her.

"Yeah! I just read about it online!" Chris Rylee answered.

"Isn't it crazy!?" Addison replied

"What is?" Grace Ryan asked

"The Joker broke out of Arkham!"

The class went silent.

"It was, I guess, an inside job. He had men who worked there or something to help get him free. I guess he has men everywhere. Which is super scary....."

"I guess he's made threats about if anybody tries to stop him he's gonna blow up a high school" Grace said reading off her phone.

Dead silent.

" for all of us!" Dylan Jensen shouted.

My heart started to beat fast. What was gonna happen? I mean Joker has actually made threats and fallowed through with them. One time about 3 years ago they had him cornered in a warehouse a little outside of Gotham.  He threatened he'd kill exactly 15 women with blue eyes every hour the police had their guns on him. The Batman managed to arrest him but when everything was said and done. 15 blue eyed women were dead. All 15 had the words "Blue eyes Blue tears" tattooed to their stomachs when they were found. How does he come up with these plots? Why? And how come he hasn't gotten the fricken chair?

Just then Mrs. Laflueur came in.

"Okay, sit down everybody. We're gonna start class but I don't know if we're gonna finish it." She announced as she walked over to her computer.

"Why? because Joker's gonna waste us all?" Dylan asked

A look of concern came over her face.

"They're talking about canceling classes for the day at least." she answered

"Well I'm not waiting around until Mr. Roy makes up his mind to get the hell out of here" Dylan shot back.

"Dylan. Sit down. It's fine. Just stay calm.


"Hello West Gotham High. Most of you have already heard the news. For your safety classes will be canceled. Students are to quickly gather their things and report to the busses. Students who are driving may leave when they are ready. Police are on campus and will stay until the school is safely evacuated. Please everybody stay calm. There is no reason to panic. Thank you"

The class suddenly bursted into activity.

"No reason to panic except a homicidal maniac is threatening to blow shit up" Grace muttered.

I gathered my things and walked out.

"Alaina!" I looked. My friend Jezzy called. I waited for her to catch up

"Dude this is crazy!"

"I know! I replied.

"How does this freak keep getting loose? The police can't beat him. And when they finally have him he gets out in the end. They should just put the Son of a bitch in front of a firing squad and get it over with!"

"Why doesn't Batman kill him, is what I wanna know" I replied as I got my things from my locker.

Everybody was talking in hushed panic whispers. It's as if we were all waiting for the big BOOM. I breathed a bit easier when we were outside. The busses were lined up. Everybody quickly separated and got on their busses. Me and Jezzy slid into our usual assigned unassigned bus seat.

I looked at the school, wondering if it would be the last time it would be standing.

The tense hushed whispers continued as the bus pulled away. In a way, I kinda missed the way-too-loud rowdy bus conversation I'm used to.

"Incoming News guys" I heard somebody a few seats back.

"They're closing down basically everything and the city is in a state of panic. They've got the national guard and SWAT on stand-bye. And get this everybody! Apparently there's a rumor that Joker broke out because he found out he has a daughter."

"Yeah...he don't strike me as a family man." Ellie, the bus driver yelled back.

"That poor girl." Jezzy said.

"So, she doesn't know she's his daughter...?" I asked.

"I guess not. She was probably born with two heads or something" Jezzy said sarcastically

"Wonder if she has her fathers hair?" I joked

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID.

'MOMMY :)'

I answered.

"Hey Mom"

"Hey sweetie. How's things on your side?"

"Pretty crazy. They're canceling school. I'm on the bus headed home.

"Yeah they're sending everybody home from work too. I should be home in about an hour I guess then."

"Thats good." I replied

"Yeah I think Evelyn is worried about her kids so she said we could all go."

"Thats good. I doubt anybody is gonna be buying houses today anyway."

"Probably not. Okay well I'll see you when I get home. Stay calm. Everything is fine." Mom said in her always calm voice.

"Alright. Love you". I clicked the 'End' button.

"Is your mom nervous?" Jez asked

"I think so but she's staying calm. They're sending her home. Which is good.

The rest of the ride was quiet. Me and Jez got off on the same stop but went different ways.

"Text you later." She said waving goodbye.

I walked up the stairs to our apartment. I opened the door. I was happy to be home. What ever happens happens. Not to me though. That was a relief.

I  sat down and turned the TV on. What was happening was all over.

"Hello, everybody. Vickie Vale. Live from Downtown West Gotham. The crowds and traffic are hectic. Everybody is terrified at this just most recent plague the Joker has put on our city"

I hate how the news anchors say absolutely nothing of any value half the time. If you have nothing important and just state the obvious why bother?

There was a knock at the door. Must be Mom forgot her keys.

Y'know how they say don't open the door without checking who's there first? Its a good idea.

But I, leapt up and threw the door wide open. It wasn't Mom. The minute the door was open-CRACK.

A baseball bat? Something hard. Everything went Black. Could I be....?

To Be Continued....

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