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Standing there, on the porch was a freakin angel. He was tall and slim. He had flawless skin over amazing cheekbones, and the most gorgeous eyes. His hair was wavy and fell to around his shoulders. He wore a leather jacket and dark jeans with metal toed combat boots.

He looked at me with surprise and curiosity...

"Um...Is J here?" He asked. His voice was deep and raspy.....and sexy.

I was tongue tied. All I could manage was a nod. I moved to the side to let him in.

He walked in and began to strip his jacket off.

"RAZOR!" Vanessa yelled running over and throwing her arms around him.

"Hey you." He said putting a hand on her back.

"How are you? Haven't seen ya in forever!" Vanessa asked

"Yeah. It's been awhile" He said cooly

"What have you been up to, man?" Johnny said as he walked over doing that bro handshake thing, and handing him a beer.

"My own thing"

"Get in ta trouble like that!" Vanessa laughed.

Razor looked over at Joker. "Sup boss?" He said

"Got the information?" Joker asked with his back still turned.

"Yeah....fuckface seems real pissed this time. He's coming for ya"

"Mhmm...I gotta make a phone call." Joker got up. I did my best to make eye contact with him, hoping to prompt him to introduce me. He caught my glance.

"Oh yeah...by the way, this is Alaina. My Daughter. "

With that Razor did a spit take with his swig of beer all over Johnny. It sent Vanessa into a fit of laughter.

"DUDE!" Johnny screamed, taking in what just happened.

"Be right back" Joker said walking to his room.

Johnny threw himself at Razor putting him into a choke hold. They weren't serious. Both had a smile. Razor flipped Johnny over leaving him sprawled on the floor. Even I had to laugh.

I felt kind of awkward and I'm super shy around boys, well, Razor was a man. Which made it all the worse. I felt out of place, so I went and sat down on the end of the couch.

Johnny, Razor, and Vanessa all walked to the kitchen talking and laughing.

I focused on the tv that was on but I couldn't help but make sideward glances at Razor. He was one of the most attractive men I'd ever seen. There was just something about him. He looked like a rockstar, with the attitude to match. I had a thing for that type.

And then, the gods smiled down on me. I heard somebody walk into the living room. It was Razor. My eyes locked with his pale blue ones. A smile touched his lips. I smiled back.

He walked over to me "Hey" He said

"Hi" I squeaked.

He chuckled a bit. "Can I sit?" He asked pointing at the spot next to me.

Be still my beating heart.

I nodded.

He took a seat. I didn't know what to say or do so I went with awkward silence.

"So, you're Joker's daughter?" He asked.


Wonderful conversation skills, Alaina.

"That's cool. He's a great man."

"If you say so..." I said

"So how old are you?" He asked me.

"15, almost 16. You?" I said.

"22" He answered.

"So...you work for...Joker?" I asked.

"Yeah. I guess. Don't do it full time, but I help him out time to time. We go back....I'm a hit man." He said

He's so open about it..like 'oh yeah I'm an assassin..'

"Oh cool, I'm in the the 10th grade..well I was...till Joker.."


"I didn't know Joker was my father. Till he came and took me." I admitted

"Ah Shit." he answered.

Just then Joker walked in. "Hey Razor. Can you get me some information on this guy?" He asked handing Razor a slip of paper.

"Sure, I'll get on that." He said getting to his feet.

With a few goodbyes he headed for the door. He turned to look at me

"Nice meeting you, Alaina." He said flashing me his charming smile and a wink.

I smiled, I couldn't help it.

I watched him walk down the driveway and get on a black motorcycle.

"Close your mouth, Alaina. You'll catch flied." Joker said as he turned back to his desk.


He looked at me. "You're blushing!" He announced.

My cheeks burned hot. I slapped both hands over my cheeks "Am Not"

"Ohhhhh...little Lainey has her first crush! Am I gonna have to have 'the talk' with you?" Joker laughter.

"Has anybody had the talk with you!?"


Life & Times Of Joker's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now