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I crawled out of bed the next morning. I wrapped Razors sweatshirt around me. I smelled his scent. I loved it. I walked up the stairs. 

Joker wasn't here. I headed for the kitchen. I searched for food but there wasn't really any. I never saw Joker eat hardly. I was hungry, as always. I think I've lost like 15 pounds since living here. I know I was really skinny and didn't look exactly healthy anymore. I was always skinny but I was never this thin. The clothes I wore the day Joker kidnapped me were super big on me. My T-shirt used to be pretty form fitting now hung loose on me and the jeans that were a bit too small, now I couldn't keep them up. 

I settled on a cup of coffee and an apple that was covered in brown spots. Yum. 

I took my spot on the couch and pulled my knees up to me turning on the TV. 

Nothing on the news about Joker. 

I went down stairs with my coffee and took out one of my new sketchbooks. What to draw? I always have so much anxiety about the first thing I draw in a new sketchbook. I don't know. I guess you have to be an artist to get it.

I suddenly heard a huge bang upstairs. Joker?

I skipped up the stairs. 

It wasn't Joker.

It was three men I didn't recognize. They had busted the door half way off the hinges. I froze. 

"Grab the girl!" One of them shouted.

I froze. What to do? Where was my gun? I turned to run but two of them grabbed me. I couldn't move. I couldn't get away. Another walked towards me with a metal pipe.

"Nighty night" He said. Then pain and everything went black. 


I woke up. Everything was blurry and I had a headache. I looked around. It looked like I was in a basement. A huge fan spun slowly casting weird shadows. There was small windows with wire over them when was the only source of light except the lone bulb above my head. 

"She's awake!" I heard somebody scream. 

I kept blinking trying to get everything to stop spinning.

"Good morning." I heard

I wrenched my head around to see a man. He was tall, bald, and a scar on his cheek. He was very muscular. The typical criminal looking guy. 

"Who..are you?" I asked.

"Somebody who your Daddy really pissed off." He said. Suddenly he brought a metal bat across my face hard. My head and face exploded in pain. A sudden ringing in my ears/

"What do you want?" I whispered.

"Daddy's gonna come and getcha or you're gonna die. And when he does come, we're gonna knock that clown on his ass." He stated. 

"Ya know I'm surprised how hot you are. Never thought a vile thing like Joka would have it in him to produce such a cute thing as you" He said bringing his face close to mine.

 I spit in his eye. He retreated briefly. He grabbed his bat again. 

This is gonna hurt.."


Life & Times Of Joker's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now