With Him

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I managed to get my hands on a notebook and a pencil. I love drawing, and I was thinking about going to college for it. Until this happened. But I was laying on my bed in my sweatpants and tank top. I needed knew clothes. I barely have two outfits other than my PJs. 

Just then Joker's footprints came running down the stairs. 

"Hellooo darling" He slurred


"SO! I heard you shot somebody last night" 

I nodded. 

He looked over my shoulder. 

"Hmmm..What, are you dreamily doodling RAZOR in your notebook. 

He knew. He fucking knew.

"What?" I asked pretending to be confused.

"You two are a thing! A little birdie told me" He sang

I didn't know what to say. Was he gonna be angry? 

"I'm sorry" I whimpered.

"I'm not upset.." He said flatly


"Yeah. It may motivate you.."


"Help with the cause...he may be a good influence on you! Anyway, I'm leaving for the night. So be a good girl and don't stay up to late." He said mockingly as he started up the stairs.

He knew. And he was Okay with it. Why? 

Razor was one of his men. One of his most trusted men I guess. He was an assassin kinda. What if Razor was a bad guy? I guess I didn't know him all too well. But I was still drawn to him. I guess I'll give him a chance. I mean, it's not like my life isn't already filled with criminals....

I guess I have changed. The person I was a few months ago would never entertain the idea of being with a hit man. But I've done a lot of things she never would do...Was I getting stronger? Was I changing? I was always the shy quiet awkward girl that was always in the background. I was too scared to do anything wrong or against the rules...but my old life was kind of over. I'm not even sure if I want to go back, and even if I did Joker wouldn't let me out alive.

So...I'll see Razor. 

"LAINEY! COME UP HERE!" I heard Joker yell from up stairs

I jumped up and ran up the stairs. 

When I got upstairs I found Joker in the kitchen. Next to him was Razor. 


"Well I'm gonna be gone and Razor had to come anyway so, I thought he could baby sit you." Joker said with a smile. 

"Oh um Okay..." I said awkwardly 

Joker walked over and yanked my head close to him by my hair. "Do anything stupid and you'll regret it" He said suddenly very dark.

"Shouldn't you be telling HIM that?!" 

"Good night you two." with that he walked out the front door. 

I turned my attention to Razor. He was sitting on the stove with one foot propped up against the handle. 

"Hi" I said with a coy smile

"Hey" He said with a chuckle. "Come here" He reached his hand out.

I did as I was told. I stood in front of him and stared into his beautiful eyes. 

He wrapped his long arms around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. I forgot how amazing his kisses were. 

To BE Continued 

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