Chapter Three

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Ziva POV
Suddenly everything seemed to speed up until it was a blur. Gibbs and Tony started yelling for a doctor and I tried to wake the girl up, although I knew it would be futile. Several medical personnel came rushing in and I felt Gibbs's strong hands pull me off of Olivia. The doctors began wheeling her out and one was starting chest compressions and another was putting an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. I stood there, watching until someone spun me around. It was Gibbs. He folded his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and then rested his chin there. I buried my face in his shirt, trying not to let the tears fall.
"Rule 12: no dating a co-worker." Tony whispered into my ear, chuckling. I could tell he was directly behind me, nice and close. Perfect. I brought my boot up fast and hard. I felt it connect and heard Tony grunt. Bullseye. Gibbs released me, chuckling. I turned to see Tony with his legs tight together and holding his crotch. My foot had met it's mark dead center.
"Karma's a bitch, DiNozzo." Gibbs said, smiling. Just then, a doctor came in. I recognized him as one of the ones who'd rushed in when Gibbs and Tony yelled.
"Well," he began,
"We think she'll be alright" the doctor finished. "She's in ICU right now, but she's a fighter. No visitors, unfortunately, but if you wish to stay, we'll take you to the ICU waiting room. Captain Reynolds is currently in a coma, but we expect she may be awake within the next week or two." Gibbs nodded and the doctor led us to the waiting room. We all sank into the vinyl-covered chairs. After a while, I saw Gibbs asleep in a normal sitting position. Ziva was using his shoulder as a pillow. Tony was slumped in his chair, his eyes raw and red.
"Tony," I started. He looked over at me, exhausted. "She's going to be fine. How else do you think she survived the last few months?" He nodded.
"I know, it's just-" he began, and then stopped.
"Get some sleep, Tony." I said. I closed my own eyes, and when I opened them a few minutes later, he was snoring softly. I smiled to myself and fell asleep.

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