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Olivia POV
I was finally out of the hospital! One issue, though: I didn't want to be in my house alone. I just didn't feel safe doing that. I mentioned it to Tony, and he immediately took me in. I got some things from my apartment and took them to Tony's place: some clothes, my electronics, and the necessities. Tony came to pick me and my wheelchair up. The doctor said I wouldn't be on my feet without assistance for quite a while. We took the elevator, to which Tony attempted to push me, but I gave him a dirty look and wheeled myself. At the car, he helped me into the passenger seat and then attempted to fold up my wheelchair. He failed miserably. Finally, I got him to wheel it to me, though he protested. 

"You can't even stand on your own!" yelled Tony. I scowled at him and he gulped and wheeled the chair over. Being a Marine has its perks. I leaned out of the car, laughing at how worried Tony looked. I quickly collapsed my wheelchair and gave it back to Tony, whose mouth was hanging open. 

"Tryin' to catch some flies, DiNozzo?" I asked, smirking. He closed his mouth and scowled, shoving the wheelchair into the backseat. I laughed to myself as Tony got into the driver's seat. "Off to your apartment?" I asked. Tony nodded.

"Off to the Navy yard tomorrow. I heard Gibbs has an offer to make you." said Tony. I looked at him puzzled. "Don't look at me like that. I don't know squat about the offer." Tony laughed. I shrugged and changed the radio station. It was a horrible song, so I dug around in my backpack and found what I was looking for. My iPod and an aux cord. Perfect. I had gotten myself an iPod touch as soon as I had been honorably discharged about five months ago. I wanted more room on my phone and something nice to listen to music on. I plugged one end of the aux cord into my phone and the other into the jack in Tony's car. "What'cha doin'?" Tony asked. 

"You'll see." I replied. In a minute, I had my golden oldies playlist blaring from Tony's speakers. Tony was bobbing his head along to the music in spite of himself. Finally, he grudgingly told me I had good taste in music. "I know." I said. "It's one of my many talents, besides being able to knock you out with a single blow if you get too annoying." I said, grinning. Tony gulped, but within five minutes we were once again lost in the music.

"We've arrived!" Tony announced after another five minutes. I quickly paused the music and peered through the windshield. It was an apartment building. 

"Tony, I hope to God there's an elevator." I said. Tony smirked, but assured me there was.


Tony opened the door to his apartment.

"Tada!" Tony said proudly. "Home sweet home." My mouth dropped open. Tony's place was beautiful. One thing caught my eye.

"Get me to the piano." I put all my stuff down and Tony scooped me up and put me on the piano bench. 'Let's see how much I remember.'  I thought to myself. I started Pachelbel's Canon in D and was soon lost in the music. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tony was too.

After I had played everything I could remember, I motioned for Tony to get my wheelchair. I heaved myself into it and wheeled myself to a fishbowl with a picture above it: Tony posing with a German Shepherd.

"Tony, you have a dog?" I asked excitedly. He shook his head sheepishly.

"I, uh, use it to make girls like me..." Tony trailed off. I flipped it to the other side on a hunch. Sure enough, there was Tony with a cat.

"Really?" Tony stared me down unapologetically. I stared back. Tony sighed.

"I know, I know. I'm not as much of a girl magnet as I pretend to be, but I do what I can to help myself out. I tell people that the dog died or that the cat doesn't come out when there's people over." I sighed at Tony.

"It's late, DiNozzo. Where can I sleep? And don't tell me to take your room. I can sleep on a couch."

"Are you-"

"Sure? Yes, Tony, I am sure." Tony sighed.

"I give up. You're impossible." I heaved myself onto the couch, laughing.

"Goodnight, Tony."


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