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As we get off the elevator, led by Olivia, I see Liv scanning the room, always alert. I smile, watching her get closer to the surprise. And then she bangs into it.

"Goddammit you little motherfu- oh!" we hear Liv yell. She turns around, grinning wildly. Suddenly she runs back to Gibbs and throws her arms around him. Smiling, he squeezes her back.

"Well?" Gibbs asks. "You gonna try it out or what?" he continues, smirking. Liv nods and sits down at her desk as we sit at our desks. As she pulls her chair in, a confused look comes over Liv's face. She leans down, gripping the edge of her desk for support with one hand and pressing on her right side with the other.

As soon as she begins leaning down, I remember what she's confused about. Gibbs leaves the bag of gear under the desk to be found by its recipient. As Liv realizes what it is, she smiles over at Gibbs again. She pulls the bag out with a little difficulty, since not all her wounds from captivity have healed. Liv noticed me watching, and I must have looked a little worried, because she glared at me.

"I'm fine, you idiot. Stop worrying." I grinned, and she shook her head, grinning in spite of herself. She dug through her bag, finding a knife, a jacket and hat, a camera, and a fitrst aid kit, among other stuff. She set the bag back on the floor and turned her computer on. She looked over at Gibbs. " What's the password?" she asked sheepishly. Gibbs scrawled something on a sticky note and folded it into a little airplane. He sent it sailing to Liv, who opened it and nodded, smiling. I remembered Gibbs doing that for each of us, too. It's easy to destroy and nothing needs to be said aloud, minimizing the chance of someone else getting the password.

"Yeah, it's Gibbs." I hadn't even heard his phone ring. "Grab your gear. Dead petty officer in the park."

"I call driving!" Liv called out.

"McGee, DiNozzo, you're with Reynolds. Ziva, you and me. Let's go." Gibbs directed. We all nodded and filed into the elevator.

Olivia POV
I got into the driver's seat and Tony called shotgun. He looked a little nervous about me driving, and so did Tim. I hadn't planned on driving how I usually drive, but this was an opportunity too good to pass up.

As soon as we were on the open road, I let loose. Tony grabbed the dash and Tim held on to Tony's headrest. They both looked kind of panicked. We reached the park in twelve minutes. It's normally fifteen minutes away.

Within a couple minutes, Gibbs arrived with Ziva. They both kind of just looked at me, and then they saw Tony and McGee stumbling around like drunks and started laughing. Tim and Tony both scowled, but promptly excused themselves to make sure they didn't have to puke and disappeared into the trees on the edge of the park. The rest of us stood there laughing until Gibbs finally told us to get to work. Tony and McGee came back then, looking a hell of a lot better. They got to work with photos and evidence. I helped Tim with evidence today.

The ME van pulled up, and an old man and a young man hopped out. The older one started looking around and giving estimates. After a bit he seemed to notice me for the first time.

"Hello, dear. You must be Miss Reynolds." he said with a delightful British accent. I nodded. "Mr. Palmer, come over here for a moment." he called to the younger man, who had been looking at the body. He rushed over, looking a little bewildered. I'd barely been outside of the MTAC room in my time at NCIS thus far, and hadn't met anyone that wasn't regularly in the bullpen.

"Mr. Palmer, this is Miss Reynolds." the ME was saying. "Oh, dear, I've forgotten to introduce myself. I'm Dr. Mallard. Call me Ducky." the kind man said with a smile. I smiled back.

"Reynolds! Work!" I heard Gibbs yell. "You too, Duck." I told Ducky that I'd come down to autopsy to chat later and got back to work with Tim.

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