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Tony POV
When I got up the next morning, Liv was rolling around the kitchen making breakfast. Pancakes and sausage.

"How'd you know that's my favorite, Liv?" I asked, surprised.

"Grease residue and several packs of sausage and seven boxes of pancake mix in... That cabinet." Liv said, pointing. "Ever heard of the phrase, 'everything in moderation'?" Liv asked, grinning that devilish smile of hers. I sighed.

"Well, we've got to got to the Navy Yard." I said once Liv and I were showered and dressed. That had been an ordeal seeing as how Liv couldn't even stand on her own. "Gibbs has a proposition." Liv looked puzzled. "I already told you, I don't know squat about it." Liv grinned.

"We should get going." said Liv. "I am sure we'll have... issues getting to the car and getting in it." she continued, laughing. I could see it was hard for her to be so immobile, there was just something in her eyes and how she carried herself.

We finally got to the car and got in, and Tony drove us to the Navy Yard. I wheeled in, which Tony assured me wouldn't be a problem because McGee's girlfriend Delilah did it all the time. I received a visitor's badge and then we went to the elevator and Tony punched a number.

When the doors opened again, we were in a room that was so orange it hurt.

"Welcome to the bullpen." Tony said with a flourish. "You can park yourself right next to my desk while we-never mind, Gibbs beat us." Tony finished. I wheeled up to Gibbs.

"Morning, sir." I said, saluting sharply.

"Don't call me sir and no need for saluting." Gibbs said bluntly.

"Yes sir-er, alright si- argh." I said. "Old habits die hard." I finished. Gibbs smiled slightly, nodding in sympathy.

"I have a question." Gibbs started. I nodded, recalling what Tony said about Gibbs having a proposal for me. Gibbs took a badge and gun off his desk, but he had his on him. Suddenly I realized what he might be about to ask. "Would you like to be a federal agent?" Gibbs asked. I nodded, smiling. The smile soon faded, though.

"But sir, I'm bound to a wheelchair for another couple months." I said quietly. "And after that there'll still be a month or two before I'm even at half strength." I said miserably. Gibbs smiled again.

Gibbs POV
Olivia clearly wanted to take me up on my offer, but didn't want to hold the team back.

"There's plenty of things to do." I said. "MTAC, paperwork, photos, there's a whole host of things that the team will be glad not to have to do for a few months."

"If you're sure..." I nodded. "Then I accept." I smiled. Suddenly Olivia gestured for me to bend down to her level. I obliged, and found myself being tackled in a hug, which was surprisingly strong for a wheelchair-bound girl as small as Olivia. "Thank you."


Olivia POV
I was surprisingly busy for the next couple of months, managing MTAC calls, scheduling meetings, and working cold cases. And let's not forget the paperwork. Oh, the fucking paperwork. I hated it with all my heart. Alas, I had to, because I still couldn't take more than a couple steps without someone's help. Delilah gave me some tips for managing wheelchairs and getting around easier, though, so that's made life a little better.

Gibbs POV
We're all at the hospital for Liv's last checkup. She gets rid of the wheelchair once and for all.
We're all sitting in the waiting room when we see a small figure walking unsteadily towards us, followed by a doctor. It's Liv! This is the first time I've seen her without the chair to get around. She's small, but carries herself with dignity. She runs over as I stand up and launches herself into my arms. We all take turns hugging her, and when she pulls away from Ziva, she has tears in her eyes.
"Thank you guys. I think recovery was easier because of you." Liv says, beaming through her tears.
"Let's go to the Navy Yard. I've got a surprise for you." She smiles and nods her consent. I'm thinking that the surprise is what she's been wanting.

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