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Tony POV
I was pressing on the entry wound to stop the bleeding, but it didn't seem to be working as well as it needed to be working. I was also trying to answer Gibbs' inquiries as to, and I quote, "What the fuck happened?"

"Olivia and I were talking about the gun and then she shifted because of her bad foot and then a shot went off and she jerked and fell back and looked really confused and you know what happened after."

"Scheiße! Scheiß drauf!!"

"Boss. English."

"That was German. You wouldn't want it in English." I nodded and focused on Olivia. I was now straddling the gurney so I could put better direct pressure on the wound on her chest. The ambulance stopped and I heard people shouting orders.

"You staying up there, sir?" a man asked. I nodded.

"Long as I can." I yelled. "Go, go, go, for God's sake! We're fucking losing her!" I yelled. I felt the gurney moving again and then I was zooming through a hallway, trying not to let Olivia bleed out.

"Sir, you need to get off now!" someone said.

"Not on your life."

"Sir, we need to get her into surgery."

"Get beside me to take over my spot then!" I yelled. A nurse showed up next to me and put her foot on the bar to hop on as I hopped off. I got off and she straddled Olivia, doing what I'd been doing. I stood in the hallway, feeling dejected and and alone. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned. It was Gibbs, and McGee and Ziva were coming up behind him.

"You did what you could."

"I can't lose another one. Not again." I said. Gibbs just nodded. A doctor came and led us to the waiting room after failing at attempting to convince us to go home and rest. Gibbs went for coffee for all of us since the hospital coffee straight up sucked, but that was the only time any of us left. Abby, Ducky, Jimmy, and Vance came, too. I wasn't sure who had called them, but I was glad to see them.

"Family of Olivia Reynolds?"

"Yeah. Can we see her?" Abby piped up before Gibbs could get a word in. The doctor nodded.

"She is out of surgery and in her own room. Go in quietly." the doctor said. She led us to Liv's room and pushed open the door. We all gathered around her bed quietly. Gibbs held one hand and Abby dug the other out of the bedsheets. Liv stirred once or twice, but she didn't wake up that night. We sat at her bedside 24/7, because Vance assigned the case to his next best team so we could be there for Liv when she woke up. One afternoon about two weeks after, Vance got a call while he was with us for the hour or so he spent at the hospital each afternoon. When he hung up, he was smiling.

"The killer and Olivia's shooter was apprehended earlier. He confessed and is behind bars facing life without bail." As if she'd heard him, Olivia began to stir. We almost wished she hadn't, though, because her screams ripped through the quiet.

"Liv, wake up, please!" Abby begged. She shook Liv lightly, and Liv's eyes opened suddenly. Her screams stopped, but she looked like she wanted to cry.

Gibbs POV
Olivia looked like she wanted to cry. I started to stroke her forehead.

"Shh. Liv, it's alright. We're all here." I said quietly. I leaned and kissed her forehead, whispering to her in Irish. Vance looked confused and impressed.

"Gaeilge?" Irish? I nodded. "Wow. How do you know Irish?"

"Picked it up when I was bored as a kid. I had an Irish friend and I wanted to make her a little happier."

"Awww! Gibbs, that's so sweet!" Abby gushed. Liv smiled weakly.

"Liv, do you know what happened?" I asked. "Do you know what put you in the hospital?"

"Again?" I heard Tony mutter. Olivia tried to laugh but winced.

"Go be funny outside. It hurts." Liv said, wincing again. "I think I know why I'm here. Run through the story?" Liv said.

"The guy who killed the Marine in the park shot you in the chest. Tony said you shifted just before you were shot. That saved your life. Then you were brought to Bethesda and here we are." Liv nodded and looked down at her chest.

"So it went in riiight... here." Liv said, "As opposed to right here." she continued, pointing first a few millimeters away from her heart and then right at her heart. Gibbs nodded.

Olivia had a long, hard road ahead of her. But we would be there every second of it.

the end, guys! I'll be writing a sequel, more for me than you, because I love this story. Did you guys like the use of Irish in here? Comment! Tell me!

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