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Gibbs POV
"Grab your gear!" I tell the team. Tony asks where we're heading. "We got a suspect living about a mile south of here. We're picking him up." I answer. "Wasn't easy to find, either. How about we don't screw this up, huh?" I say, looking around the bullpen at my team. They're all nodding except for Tony, who's staring at the ceiling. I stalk over and slap the back of his head.

"Sorry Boss." Tony says automatically.

"That's what I thought. Let's go!" I say, annoyed that nobody's moved. All at once, everybody moves for the elevator. I sigh. I'm not sure anybody else could handle this team, but that may be the Marine in me talking.

"Mr. Blair? Federal agents, open up!" Gibbs yells, banging on the door. "Frank Blair! NCIS!" Gibbs yells again. We all surround the door and Gibbs backs up and gives the signal to Ziva, who kicks it in. But we don't have a chance to get any further, because as soon as Ziva kicks the door in, it acts as a trigger, and the whole house explodes.

We're all blown backwards several yards. Then I know no more.

Olivia POV
As I fly through the air, I feel stitches tear. I yell in pain as a few sets of them follow suit and scabs split. I land hard and black spots dance about me. I fight to stay awake as I feel myself slipping, but unconsciousness takes hold and everything disappears into darkness.

Gibbs POV
I think I hear Olivia yelling as we're sent flying. I land and hear a few cracks. Then the pain kicks in. I see Olivia and McGee trying to stay conscious, but neither succeeds. Neither do I.

Tony POV
I can see Liv yelling in pain and see Boss shout as he lands. I shout too, in pain and worry. I can feel burns on my face and chest, and I know I've broken something. I watch as, one by one, the team loses consciousness. I try to work my way closer to them, but I can hardly move, and I've faded before I can lift my head.

Ziva POV
I'm the last one to slip away, but I wish I'd been the first. Where I land, I can see the whole team lying on the ground in pain. I wonder why we aren't dead. We were awfully close, I was inside the house even. Before I can think more, I'm taken by darkness and know nothing more.

Another short chapter the heck is wrong with me????? Anyhow, I'm off school now so I should be able to write waaay more. Ta-ta for now!

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