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Liv's been in a better mood ever since her brothers visited a week and a half ago. Her brothers are scary, though! In saw her in the hall outside MTAC with therm. I could just make out somerhing about demanding explanations for injuries. The one guy hauled someone over a cliff! Hope I never have those guys after me. That'd be damn scary. 

The sound of Liv humming shook me out of my speculations about how many ways those guys could kill me. I looked over at her, grinning.

"Someone's in a good mood." I said. Liv smiled over at me.

"Yeah, seeing my brothers has had me in a good mood for a while." said Liv. "They have that effect on people." Then she grinned. "Although, they can also leave a person wondering if they know how to kill them with a paper clip. Incidentally, all of us do." I gulped, making her laugh her cute little laugh.

"Talk to me." Gibbs said, walking through the bullpen with coffee. We all jumped out from behind our desks and Liv grabbed the clicker.

"Our victim's Petty Officer Mike Ambares." Liv swallowed and shifted uneasily. "Suspects- Frank Blair, who Am- Mike had a falling-out with because Mike said he saw Frank steal something from his shed out back, and Frank denied it.  Frank was so angered that he threatened to kill Mike and a neighbor got the whole confrontation on video." Liv clicked a button and a video began, clearly taken on a cell phone.

(A/N: this takes place present-day but Ziva stayed in the US so smartphones and stuff are a thing now, sorry if y'all were a little confused)

It showed a shouting match that turned violent when Frank shoved Mike, who looked surprised. Then he shoved back and Frank threatened to kill Mike.

"Our next suspect is Remy Aladios. He was in combat with Mike and ended up with a metal leg. He blames Mike for his getting a new leg. He says that the fact that he stepped on a land mine was Mike's fault, that Mike should've seen the mine sticking out of the ground. Mike was several paces behind Remy when it happened."

"This guy gets blamed for a lot of stuff that he shouldn't be blamed for." Gibbs said gruffly. We nodded. "Got an address on this Aladios guy?" Gibbs asked. McGee nodded. "Then let's go! McGee, DiNozzo! Bring him back to interrogation."

"Yes, Boss." McGee and DiNozzo said.

"Ziva, go fill Vance in. He's been on my ass about keeping him in the loop lately." Gibbs said. Then he turned to me.

"Try and track down Frank Blair and I'll go see Abbs." Gibbs said. I nodded and turned back to my computer. He glanced up towards the stairs. Then he turned back to me. I looked at him questioningly. "Listen." Gibbs began. "Are you really doing okay? You didn't want to say Mike's last name, and I noticed your uneasiness when you had to say his name the first time." I sat back in my chair, disgusted with myself. "I care about my team. I need to know what's going on. When we all lived with Abby, we all heard you having nightmares. I'm worried about you, Liv."

"Gibbs, I'm a Marine. A Naval Commander! I can handle myself." I protested.

"Come down to Abby's with me. Bring your laptop so I can leave you with her until the boys get back with our suspect." I nodded. He was hoping to get me to open up to Abby. Unfortunately, I knew it would likely work. Abby tends to have that effect on people.

"Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs!" we heard as we stepped off the elevator.

"Whattaya got, Abbs?" Gibbs asked. She barraged us with information about blood spots and bullets, prescriptions and injuries suffered both pre- and postmortem. She was, as always, full of energy. "Thanks, Abbs." Gibbs said, kissing her on the cheek. "I'm leaving her with you for a while!" he called as he left. Abby looked really happy about that. I smiled in spite of myself.

"Gibbs wants you to talk about something to me, huh?" I nodded

"I think he thinks I've got PTSD from combat that was aggravated due to.. my captivity." Abby nodded.

"He's right. I'm not gonna tell you to see a shrink, but please come down to talk when it gets overwhelming next time, alright?" I nodded. Then I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out, and it was Gibbs, telling me to book it to interrogation room two.

"Gotta run." I said. I gave Abby a hug and ran to the door. "Oh, and Abbs?" I asked, turning. "Thanks." Abby smiled. I turned and got into the elevator.

I stepped off the elevator and ran to interrogation. I stepped into the observation room, expecting to see Gibbs in with Remy Aladios. Instead, I was greeted with a file being slapped onto my chest.

"You're up." Gibbs said. I looked up at him and he nodded. "Well? Go!" Gibbs said. I turned on my heel to go to Aladios. This was going to be interesting.

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