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I waited for a couple moments to compose myself. Then I busted through that door like there was no tomorrow. Remy looked up in surprise as I tossed the file on the table and turned the chair around so that the back was facing Aladios and sat, Gibbs style.
"I didn't do it." Aladios said stubbornly. That was my first clue something was up. I got up and backed to the window. I knocked on it to tell Gibbs about my hunch. Hopefully he understood.
"Sir, you weren't told why you were here."

"Well, I assume that it has something to do with the dead guy, right?" I smiled. He was incriminating himself. I'd done absolutely nothing. "Mike Ambares, right?"

"Sir, you're under arrest for the murder of Mike Ambares." I said. "His murder wasn't common knowledge. We have agents at his wife's house right now." Mike looked disgusted with himself.

"I knew playing along was a bad idea. Should've asked for a lawyer." he said, horrified at himself.

"Y'know, I'm glad you didn't." I said, smiling. That was easy.

Gibbs POV
Open and shut. But there's one thing that bothers me.

"Why did Blair try to blow us to bits?" Liv asked.

"My sentiments exactly."

"I think I can answer that, boss." McGee piped up. "Blair has a thing against Marines, see, and since he knew he'd be a suspect, he had the perfect chance to kill a couple of them. The rest of us got in the way."

"In which case, we need to find him and arrest him for attempted murder of Federal Agents." I said. "Let's go nail this guy." I didn't have to tell them twice. Mess with a fed, and the rest are on your tail. Try to kill five feds, you were probably not going to live for an entire month more.

DiNozzo POV
Off to go nail Frank Blair. Even Ducky wants this guy. Hopefully he'll see Frank real soon. On one of his tables.

"Oi, Tony!" I hear. I turn to the sound of Olivia's voice. I look at her quizzically, and she shakes her head. "Ar son Pete ar!" she says.

"You're no longer speaking English." I tell her.

"It's Irish. Both my mum and dad are from Ireland, and me and my brothers were born there, lived there til we were teenagers. We speak Irish at home often. I said, 'For Pete's sake!' because you're being a slow ass! Get that lazy ass of yours in the elevator. McTechy found Blair." Liv says, turning. "Oy , Mary , le cuidiú leis an asal dúr." I cock my head as I follow her. She grins back at me, that familiar glint in her eyes. "Oy, Mary, help the stupid ass." I shake my head.

"Who's a stupid ass?" asked Gibbs.

"She just called me a stupid ass in Irish, Boss!" I exclaimed.

"Tá a fhios agat na hÉireann?" You know Irish? Gibbs asked. I think he was asking a question, at least, because they were still talking in Irish.

"Ós rud é go raibh mé beag , Rugadh mé in Éirinn." Since I was small, I was born in Ireland. came Liv's reply.

"The heck are y'all saying?" I asked.

"Gibbs was surprised I knew Irish and I told him that I've known it since I was small. I lived in Ireland until I was in my early teens. I lived in Texas from fourteen until I enlisted at eighteen. After my honorable discharge due to injury, I moved to D.C. to see if I could get a job with the Feds."

"How were you in Israel that night?" I asked.

"I was stationed there for a while. I told you I was living there because I was at the bar to obtain intel for a mission. I couldn't blow cover." I nodded. "Israeli accents are difficult!" Liv said, laughing. Gibbs cracked a smile. Then the elevator dinged and the doors opened. We filed out, still laughing, and piled into a couple cars. Gibbs told us the location and we sped to an abandoned barn with some backup.

"Y'all be careful. I'll kick the door in." Liv said. We got into position and Gibbs gave her the signal. She kicked the door in and we all rushed in the door, and this time we didn't end up burnt and sprawled across the lawn.



"Cl- BACKYARD!" Liv yelled. We all rushed out to the back and sprinted. We'd all trained hard as soon as we could to be fit again, and it was paying off in that very moment.

It was Liv and Ziva who caught up to Frank. Liv read him his rights while sitting on top of him, cuffing him. Ziva was laughing because Liv was 5'5" and Blair was 6'7" and yet the opposite of what you'd expect was unfolding.

Back in the bullpen, we were wrapping things up for the case, when suddenly there was an outburst from Liv.

"Ay, conas a d'fhéadfadh liom a bheith chomh dúr! Tá mé a bhí Frank éis!" Ay, how could I be so stupid! It was me Frank was after! "Oi vey, how could I be so daft?" Liv muttered, shaking her head. "I'm Irish, not American, but I was in the military. Frank believed that only Americans should be able to enlist. He was after me!" Gibbs agreed. "Is he in interrogation still?" Liv asked Gibbs. He shook his head. "Probably just as well. I think he wants all ten fingers unbroken." Gibbs chuckled at that. I shuddered. I would hate to be on the other side of the table. I'd seen her interrogate in a mock prisoner of war interrogation that Gibbs set up to learn her style. Liv is terrifying.

"Go home, I'll see you tomorrow." Gibbs said. We all nodded. We were all exhausted since we weren't quite at one hundred percent.

As soon as I got home, I collapsed into bed, telling Delilah to wake me when she wanted to get into bed. I slept until the next morning.

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