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Gibbs POV
The next time I wake, I'm in a hospital. Tony is in a bed next to me with McGee next to him. There's a curtain on the other side. I can reach it, and pull it back to see what's on the other side. It's Ziva and Liv. I pull the curtain all the way back, knowing that they'd want to be able to see everyone. I scan the team, and quickly see that Ziva is the worst off. Her face is badly burned and so, I assume, is her chest. Her left leg is in traction. Olivia's pretty bad, too. Her leg is in traction, and it's shorter than her other one, too. I turn slowly to face McGee and Tony. McGee has a lot of bandages, indicating a lot of burns, and Tony's got a brace around his torso, meaning he's broken some ribs. After assessing the team, I turn to myself. My right leg is in traction and I've broken a couple ribs. I can tell that my face and chest are horribly burnt.

"Unh." I hear. It's Ziva. She spews a string of Hebrew curses and some English ones, too. She yells out again, and that makes Liv start awake.

"Yah!" she yells in pain as she jolts her entire body, including her left leg, the one in traction. She goes to move her right arm, the one out of my view, and grunts as she tries and fails. That's when I notice the cast on her right arm. I hear more cursing, some from Liv and the rest from Tony, who's just woken up. McGee is still unconscious, which doesn't surprise me. We bounce back abnormally quick. McGee is more normal. He's just abnormally good with technical stuff.

Ziva POV
We're all awake now except for McGee. That, however soon changes. I hear a grunt and a couple of curses, and with that, we've got McGee back.

Suddenly McGee and Tony get strange looks about themselves. Their faces both tighten as if they've realized something horrible. Together, they say,

"Boss, I-I can't feel my legs." They look at each other, then turn to themselves and start poking at their legs. Tony starts smacking his, and McGee pinches himself. By the looks on their faces, they don't feel any of it.

As if receiving a cue, a doctor walks in just then. She's in her late twenties with pretty, dark hair and a small frame. She notices Tony and McGee trying to hurt themselves and speaks.

"We believe you two have suffered paralysis. We're not quite sure whether it's permanent or temporary, but we think it's temporary for both of you. For now, we've got to play the waiting game." she says. "Also," she adds, "you've got quite a group waiting for you outside." she says, grinning. Gibbs speaks hoarsely.

"Send 'em all in." he says, and we all nod. The doctor says she'll brief them and send them in. Gibbs nods and she hurries to get them. I think she can sense that we all want to see them.

Tony POV
Great. I'm paralyzed. What'll I tell Senior? I'll worry about that later. For right now, I've got to stay positive.

Just then, a few people shuffle in, Abby in the lead. She runs over and hugs me tight.

"Yowch, Abbs! Burns! Ribs! Ow!" I gasp. She jerks up, looking like she's about to cry. She descends again, gently this time.

"They said you all almost died. They said you and Tim were paralyzed!" she said, tears streaming down her face. I nodded and told her that we are, but they think it's temporary. I don't think that helped much.

Abby moved down the line of beds, and so did Vance, Ducky and Jimmy. Then a small figure in a wheelchair wheels into the doorway.

Delilah. She's here. I can tell she's been crying, and I don't think she's slept much. She wheels over to my bed.

"Did they tell you what happened?" I ask gently. She nods.

"I'm so glad you're okay." she says tearfully. I slowly hold out my good arm to her, careful not to hurt myself more. I hold what I can of her, and it seems to do the job.

After a little bit like that, she sits up suddenly, grinning slightly just like Gibbs always does. I look at look at her confusedly. "So I guess we'll both be wheelin' and dealin' now, huh?" Delilah says. I make that joke to her a lot. I nod. "Listen. We can do it. Remember that it's probably temporary, yeah?" Delilah nods. She wheels around to say hello to the rest of the team.

"Goddammit!" Liv and Gibbs say. The rest of us look at them. Gibbs speaks. "We're all in wheelchairs. Two of us are paralyzed and the rest have broken legs."

Ziva curses in Hebrew again.
"Whose place can fit all of us?" She asks. Abby raises her hand.

"I inherited a huge estate from my grandfather. He was kinda loaded. Please come! It's so big and lonely."

"It's settled. We'll all go to Abby's place." says Gibbs. "Thanks, Abbs." he says gratefully. She nods, smiling. Her cheeks shine with tears.

Time skip

Gibbs POV
We've all been living with Abbs for the last three months after two months in the hospital. Tim and Tony are still paralyzed, but the doctors still hold a little hope. We broken-legged people are still in wheelchairs just from severity of breakage. We all go to the Navy Yard a couple times a week, much to Vance's dismay. Twice a week was the most I could get him to agree to. There's a lot of cursing, usually followed by a cry for help from someone who can use their legs. Delilah moved in too so that she and McGee could stay together. Abby has to help them into bed every night since usually McGee helps Delilah, but now he himself needs help. Life's rough, but we're making it work. Sort of.

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