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Olivia POV
Back at the Navy Yard, we were standing in front of the screen. It'd been moved so it was between Gibbs and Ziva.

"Petty officer Mark Ambares." Tony was saying. I stumble back. My head pounds. That name. It sounds so much like Amare, the name of one of my torturers. I feel strong hands grip my shoulders. They belong to Tony. "Hey, Liv. Liv. What's wrong? Liv? Liv!"

With that, everything goes black.

I wake up on a cold metal table, and slowly realize that I was taken downstairs to autopsy. As I continue waking up, I feel a hand in mine. It's small and smooth, and has a pretty tight grip on me. I look up and see a young woman with a small frame and black hair in high pigtails holding my hand. I slowly sit up, but she puts a hand on my shoulder to try and stop me. It doesn't work. I'm a Marine, for God's sake! As I finally make it to a sitting position, the woman looks at me, concerned.

"I'm fine, really. Who are you, anyhow?" I ask. She smiles.

"I'm Abigail Scuito, the forensic scientist. You can call me Abby. Or Abbs. That's what Gibbs calls me." she says. I can tell she's got a lot of energy, and I'm willing to bet some of it's caffeine-induced. "I've got to let Gibbs know you're up. He made me promise." I nod. "I'll be right back, okay?" I nod again. Abby runs out, heading to the elevator.

While she's getting Gibbs, I have time to think. Why did that name affect me so much? I only knew his name for the last ten minutes of captivity. It shouldn't have bothered me so much. Why did it, then? As I'm asking myself this, Gibbs comes in, with Abby on his heels.

"What happened up there?" he asks.

"The officer's name. It sounded like the name of the African American man that tortured me with the other man. He's the one who shot me when you guys came."

"What was his name?"

"Amare. Ambares sounded so similar, and I guess that it triggered something." Gibbs looks like he's about to say something, and I beat him to it. "I'm not going home. Unless I'm physically incapable of doing something crucial to my job, I'm staying put." Gibbs nods.

"The second that you are incapable of something, you're going home to recover, you hear?" Gibbs says. I nod. "Good. Ready to go upstairs to the bullpen and work this case?" I nod. "Then let's go." I nod and jump off the table. Then I turn to Abby.

"Thank you." I say, and give her a hug. She hugs back tightly, and I know I've found a good friend.

A/N: I know it's short, but this seemed like a good chapter break, so I used the opportunity. Stay tuned for another chapter!

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