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^^^picture of Tya above^^^


I was having a great dream until I kept hearing this buzzing noise. "Ugh Naomi get your phone it's messing with my dreams." Said Zoe. I laugh this girl. I answer it. "Hello." I said with sleep still in my voice. "Naomi girl get up now." Said Janeka. "What no why are you calling so early?" I ask. "Whatever it's not early and plus I need a ride." Said Janeka. I sigh. "It is early its." I look for the time. "Its 6 in the morning." Said Zoe as she turns over. "Its six in the morning Janeka why can't white chocolate bring you home?" I ask. "Ha that was funny." Said Zoe. I rolled my eyes. "Because Naomi now please come get me I'll send you the address bye." She said as she hung up. I look at my phone. "What the fuck." I said as I got up. "You got con by Janeka." Said Zoe with a laugh. I sigh and got up I throw a pillow at her. I went in the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and then went down stairs got my keys and left.


After I got off the phone with Naomi I send her the address I sat in the bathroom for a minute. "God last night was great the best I ever had but that ain't happening again I was just horny and drunk." I said as I quietly walked back into the room. I quietly grab my clothes so I wouldn't wake him. As I pick up my heels I hear him. "Wow I'm liking the view." Said Dejuan. I roll my eyes. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I said. "Actually I was thinking about making a video those last forever." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Shut up." I said. He just laughs. "What are you doing up early anyway you wanted to go another round?" He ask with a smirk. "I could ask you the same thing and you wish." I said as I crossed my arms and sat on his bed. He picked me up and I yelp. He laugh and sat me on his lap. I blush at his hard on that was press against my now dripping sex. He bit his bottom lip and damn did it look sexy. He started sucking on my neck. "" He said between kisses. "What I wasn't trying to run ahhh." I moan out he laugh. "Sure so how about that second round before Naomi gets here." Said Dejuan. I had a shock look on my face. "I heard you on the phone with her miss I can't whisper." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Creep." I said. "I'm trying to be a freak." He said as he flips us over.


"You have got to be kidding me." I said as I threw the pillow over my head. I groan as I turn over in bed I can still hear Dejuan and that girl upstairs fucking. "UGH!!" I shout. I turn around again and try to go to sleep again. After thirty minutes of trying to go back to sleep I get up and go to the bathroom. After I wash my face and stuff I went down stairs into the kitchen and look for something quick I can eat but I saw the trash needed to be taking out so I took the trash out.


I been sitting outside of Dejuan place for ten minutes now what is taking that girl so long. Just then the door open I'm hoping its Janeka but I was wrong it was Jase. And good god he don't have on a shirt. Damn he look sexy as hell with that six pack and the hamburger meat on his chest (chest hair) um omg Naomi get it together oh god here he come. I rolled down my window. "Hey good morning." I said. "Good morning uh you know you was staring pretty hard did you know um get your thrill." Jase said with a smirk. I blush. "Shut up I was not checking you out." I said. "Okay whatever." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Can I use the bathroom?" I ask. "Uh yeah." He said. "Okay thanks." I said as I cut off the car. "No problem." He said as he open the door so I could step out. "Thank you." I said as I shut my car door. "Your welcome." He said. He started walking to the house I followed and push the button to lock the car. He open the door for me and I walked in. "And who say there are no nice guys out there." I said. He started laughing as he walks in behind me. "Just go down the hall first door on the left." Said Jase. "Okay thanks." I said as I walked down hall. I reached the door and knocked. "There's no one in there!" Shouted Jase so I walked in. I cut on light it was nice and clean. I think he was looking at my butt. I walked to the toilet and the seat was up. "Hm guys." I said out loud. 


Damn I think the seat was up in the bathroom oh well. I shrug my shoulders and go in the kitchen to make me something to eat. "You have a nice home for guys to be living here." Said Naomi as she sat in the bar stool at the island. "Yeah should of saw what it look like before I got here." I said grabbing the cereal box. I got a bowl, milk, and spoon. "Is that what you going to eat for breakfast?" Ask Naomi. "Yeah why you going to cook me breakfast?" I ask. "Um no it's too early for that." She said. I started laughing. "Well okay then. I guess I'm having cereal then." I said. She stuck her tongue out at me and I started laughing. "Wow your so cute." I said. "What?" She ask with a hint of blush. "Wait did I say that out loud?" I said. "Yeah." She said. "I said that out loud too huh?" I ask her. She shook her head yes. I rubbed the back of my neck and gave a light chuckle with blush. "That was suppose to stay inside my thought bubble." I said. "I bet." She said. Just then I we heard footsteps coming down the stairs it was Dejuan and Naomi's friend. "Well damn bitch had me waiting for like an hour I should leave you." Said Naomi. I smirked at her attitude. "I'm sorry." Said Janeka. "Yeah whatever anywho Hi and bye Dejuan and see you later Jase." Said Naomi as she was leaving. "I'll walk you out!" I shouted as I jog to catch up. 


"Okay I should go before she really do leave me." I said. "So when are you going to call me." Said Dejuan. I walked to the door and opened it. "Hmm never." I said with a smirk as I left. I shut the door and started laughing. Wow Dejuan face priceless I laugh as I got to the car. "Okay Jase I'm stealing my bestfriend back." I said as I got in the car. "Shut up Janeka." Said Naomi. I laugh. "Okay ladies see ya." Said Jase. "Bye." We said as we drove off.


She just love playing hard to get. Just then Jase walks in. "Will you go put a shirt on." I said. "Man whatever." Said Jase as he went in the kitchen. I laugh as I went in the kitchen. "So how was it?" Ask Jase. A huge smirk came on my face. "The best I ever had the best I ever had." I sing trying to sound like drake. Jase started laughing. "Man whatever." He said laughing.


"Come on Naomi I said I was sorry." Said Janeka. "I don't care Janeka you called me at 6am then had me waiting for like an hour I should of left your ass I have class in two hours now I got to get ready for people all up in my face and I didn't get my rest!" I shouted. "I know sorry I just I don't know I'm sorry." Said Janeka. "Yeah yeah hope the dick was good." I said as I looked at her. She had this huge smirk on her face. "Oh yeah hella great ." Said Janeka. "Just nasty." I said as I pulled up to the house. She started laughing as we got out. "Don't worry got more to tell you and with more details." Said Janeka. "Oh goody I can't wait." I said waving my hand in the air. "Oh shut up." Said Janeka as we walked in the house. 


I sat up in bed when I heard my phone I looked at the time and it was 8am I grabbed my and it was my sister. "Yeah." I said. "So that's how you answer your phone now." Ask Ashley. I sigh. "Its 8 in the morning what do you want?" I ask as I lay back down. "That's how you talk to your big sister." She said. I sigh and pinch the top of my nose. "Ashley." I said. "Okay I was just seeing how you holding up." Said Ashley. "Better I guess I was just expecting to see tiff when I woke up." I said. She sigh on the other line. "I know lil bro I don't know just give her some space and then try working something out." She said. "Yeah your right why are you up early anyway?" I ask. "The kids." She said. I laugh. "Should of known." I said. "Yeah well let me get back to them." She said. "Okay love you." I said. "Love you too." She said as she hung up. Just then I heard the door shut I got up and went downstairs and it was "Tiffani." I said as she looks up at me.

hey guys sorry for the very late update I'll try to update more often but here is next chapter so let me know what you guys think so comment vote and share enjoy    

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