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^^^picture of Jase above^^^


I'm Jase Gallo I live in Louisiana I'm a lawyer and I'm moving to Arizona because I got hired at a different lawyer job that pays 10% more than my other job. I'm going to be staying with my best friend  Dajuan Miller. Me and Dajuan have been friends since we were kids he move to Arizona after we graduate from high school. He's a machinate he own his own car garage. He's 6.2 with grey eyes and shaggy brown hair he got beach tan skin and a ladies man. He a cool, laid back, funny guy he got a built body he's twenty-five and have two brothers one is nine and the other is seventeen. Now back to me...I was walking back to my car to go back to Dajuan's house to change since that crazy black chick dump her coffee on me. I walk thru the door and into the living room and Dajaun saw me and started laughing. "Dude what the hell happen?" Ask Dajuan while he was laughing. "Oh you think this shit is funny?" I ask. He just chuckle. "Whatever anyway some black negro girl threw her caramel coffee on me." I said walking in the bathroom. "You're still racist wow." Said Dajuan as he sat back on the couch watching tv. I shut the bathroom door to take a quick shower. Twenty minutes later I walked out my room dress and ready to go. "Alright I'm going ." I said leaving out. "Yeah oh I'm going to the club are you coming?" Ask Dajuan. "Yeah sure." I said. "Alright cool and no racist shit I'm trying to have fun tonight." Dajuan said as I left. I walked down stairs to my red Honda truck and drove of to my job. I arrive at Legal Excutive Coordinator I walked in and saw a lady sitting behind the desk. I walked closer and saw it was Tamila my ex. "Hi I'm here to meet with Mr. James Cox." I said. She looked up at me and when she saw who I was she smirk. "Well hello Jase how have you been?" Tamila. "I been good." I said. She smile and nod. Then she got on the phone and called Mr. Cox after talking to him for two minutes she hangs up. "He said come right on up" Said Tamila. "Oh okay thanks." I said as I walked away. "Wait Jase." Said Tamila. I turn around to look at her. "Here's my number I know our break up was bad but it doesn't mean we can't be friends right." Said Tamila sending me a flirtatious smile. I took the number in got on the elevator.


After Jase left I call my boy Dalton to see if he wanted to come to the club with us. "Yo." Said Dalton. I laugh a little. Dalton is white with blonde hair blue eyes. He's 6.2 and twenty-four and he has twins a boy and a girl. "Yo what you doing?" I ask. "Nothing chilling at home why what's up?"Ask Dalton. "I wanted to know if you wanted to go out to the club with me and my boy." I said. "Yeah I'll meet up with y'all just let me know when y'all going." Said Dalton. "Okay cool talk to you later." I said as i hang up. I got up and got in the shower to get ready for work. 


I had just got out the shower when I heard the front door shut. "Who's that?" I Called out. "It's me." Said Shaunta. "Oh bitch you scared me." I said. "My bad I didnt know you was home." Said Shaunta as she came upstairs. "I went in my room to get dress. I was putting on my yoga pants when my phone ring. I pulled my pants up and answer it. "Hello." I said. "Babe it's me Kevin." Said Kevin. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not your babe it's over Kevin." I said. "I don't understand why though?" He ask."So me catching you in bed with another bitch is what you can't understand. Whatever Kevin it's over bye." I said as I hang up. I walked down stairs to the kitchen where Shaunta was making her some tea. "Where is Destiny?" I ask as I got a cup. "Oh she wanted to stay with her daddy." Said Shaunta. I started laughing. "She is such a daddy girl." I said. "Girl she was following his every foot." Said Shaunta. I started laughing really hard. "Aww does that mean you didn't get any." I said with a smirk. She frown her face. "No Destiny slept with us." Said Shaunta. I just laugh some more. "Stop laughing gosh." She said. "I'm sorry. Well did y'all still have dinner with his parents?" I ask. "Yeah and his mother still don't like me." Said Shaunta. "Wow really I mean why she married to a black man." I said as I walk to the living room. Shaunta followed me and we sat on the couch. "That's what I'm saying I'm like ms Abby how have you been? And she like you can call me Mrs. Washington. Brandon is like mom stop being rude. And I just shake my head." Said Shaunta. "Wow do Brandon know why she don't like you?" I ask. "Yeah he tells me it's because she wants him to go out with this Puerto Rican  chick that's his mom bestfriend daughter." Said Shaunta. "Wow crazy she do know y'all have a daughter and engaged." I said. "Yeah she know she just don't care." Said Shaunta. "Shaking my damn head." I said. "Well what about his dad?" I ask. "Oh Mr. Charles likes me its just her." Said Shaunta. "Wow." I said. "I know well let me get ready for work I'll see you and the girls later on tonight." Said Shaunta as she went upstairs. "Okay." I Said as I went back to the tv.


I walked out of Mr. Cox office very happy I can't believe I got it so easily I start on Monday I'm glad. I got of the elevator down to the main lobby I saw that Tamila was still there. "Did it go well?" She ask. "Yeah went great well got to go." I said walking out. "Well call me if you want to hook up later." She said with a wink. "Wow she still easy." I thought to myself as I got in the car and drove off home.

well chapter two is up tell me what yall think and if yall like it please comment and vote please&thank you

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