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^^^De-Angelo aka Jase's dad above replace his eyes with blue^^^

"So was he always that annoying when y'all was growing up?" Ask Dalton. "Yeah pretty much." Said Jase as he got up to go in the kitchen. He got a bowl and pour some chips in it and walked back in the living room and sat the bowl on the table. "Your phone went off." Said Dalton as he reach into the bowl. "Oh thanks." Said Jase as he pick up his phone and saw it was a text from his dad, mom, and Asher. The text from his mom said that she was going to call him back after work. He text back saying okay. Asher send him a picture which made his eyes go wide and smirk. "Yo Dalton look at this." Said Jase. Dalton lean over and Jase show him the phone and Dalton eyes go wide. "Is this the babe from the club." Said Dalton. Jase made a confused face. "Who's babe?" Ask Jase. Dalton look at him. "I'm talking about the girl white boy." Said Dalton. "What your white too, and oh, yeah that's her." Said Jase with a smirk. "Wow how long you knew her?" Ask Dalton. "A day." Said Jase. "Wow hoe alert." Said Dalton as he took a drink from his beer. "I know" said Jase as he read the one from his dad. It read call me when you get the chance. So he stood up. "I'll be back gotta make a call." Said Jase as he went out back. "Okay." Said Dalton.


He slid the back door shut and sat on the lawn chair and called his dad. After the third ring he answer. "Hey son how are you?" Ask my dad. "I'm good dad." I said as I lean back in my chair. "That's good I was calling because James called and said he should be done his condo earlier than expected. So he wants to know if you want to stop by on Wednesday to come see it and do a walk threw." Said my dad. "Uh yeah that's great I can do that and I didn't know it was James condo." I said as I take a sip of my beer. "Yeah it was for the kids when they went to college but they wanted to go to different schools and Madison and Matthew won't be going off to college for awhile. So he just use it for business trips but since he's moving closer he wanted to sell it." Said dad. "Okay well cool beans." I said. My dad started laughing. "So how you like it out there?" Ask dad. "Its good its hot but I'm use to hot weather." I laugh as I took another sip of my beer. "Oh yeah my ex works at my new job though, so that sucks." I said. My dad started laughing. "Really who, please don't tell me its" "Tamila." I finish. "Oh wow well good luck son." He said laughing. "Jeez thanks." I said. Just then BANG! something slam against the back door window making a loud bang noise. "What the fuck?" I jump and turn around and saw IT. I yelled and fell out the chair I tried to get up and run and slipped and fell again. I turn around and I hear my dad asking what the hell just happen but all I'm doing is holding my chest and glaring at Dejuan. He was on the ground laughing and holding his side with Dalton laughing on the couch. "What the holy fuck man you gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at him. "Aw stop crying all your life and come get some pizza." He said going in the house still laughing. I just shook my head. "Shit dad." "Jase Imari Gallo if you don't tell me what the hell happen?" Said my dad. "Uh sorry dad Dejuan being an ass as usually." I said as I sat back down in my chair. "Well what happen?" Ask dad. "He scared me with a clown face and then said come get some pizza." I said. My dad started laughing. "Wow. How is Dejuan anyway?" He ask. "Good I guess he got a crush." I said. "Oh yeah. I saw his dad yesterday still hippie." He said. I laughed his parents are the biggest hippies I know but third cool as hell tho. My dad laugh with me. "I saw Darren yesterday too he was flirting with one of those dust bunnies." He said. I frown my face up. "Dad what are dust bunnies?" I ask even tho I got a pretty good idea. "Those black girls." He said. "What why didn't you just say that dad." I said. "What I did." He said. "The girl Dejuan is crushing on is of color." I said. "I blame the parents" Said dad. "What?" I ask with a chuckle. "Yeah if his parents wasn't so hippie they wouldn't be crushing on dust bunnies." He said. "What does that have to do with it?" I ask. "Everything teaching them to love EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY they have no order in that house. They do drugs and they do it with their kids." He said I bet he shaking his head. "Dad its just weed" I said. "What?" He ask. "Its just marijuana you act like they sniffing coke with their kids in the living room. Plus they rather their kids do it with them instead of someone else who can lace it." I said. "Well just because its weed doesn't mean it is bad. Did you ever smoke weed with them in your teen years?" Ask dad. Of I did I still do from time to time but I'm going to tell my father that. "No dad you would of killed me." I said with a smirk. "Your damn right I would of." He said. "Plus dad there's nothing wrong with loving everything and everybody dad." I said as I finish my beer. "Yeah that's true but they take it to far. You know Dustin cheated on Donna with a dust bunny that work for him and when I said cheat I mean more than once or twice." He said. "Like what an affair?" I ask. "Yeah something like that then Donna walked in on them she just stare and then join in on the party." My dad said and I start choking on air. "W-What." I said. "Yeah that's because they love EVERYTHING and. EVERYBODY." He said. "Okay first that has NOTHING to do with it, second maybe they got an open marriage, and third how the hell do you know this shit?" I ask. "Oh that I got from your mom you know she friends with Donna and they don't have an open marriage." He said. "Oh wow but their kids are find." I said. "Yea sure okay, if I raise them they wouldn't be like that loving everybody." He said. "Their not loving everybody dad." I said. "I wouldn't be surprise if one of them boys turn gay." He said. "Their parents will still love them. Plus what's wrong if they do turn out gay Tya is gay and we love her." I said. "Yeah well of course their parents would they love EVERYTHING pluse Tya not gay she just going though a faze to see how long she can keep pissing daddy off is all." He said. I laugh. "Wow okay dad well as much as I love talking to you about other people and their view on life I gotta go before they eat all the pizza." I said. "Okay son love you, and let me know how the walk threw go." Said dad. "Okay will do and love you too." I said as I hung up. I walked in the house. "Y'all better have not eaten on the pizza." I said as I walked into the living room. Just then IT came flying at me I duck and scream. Dejuan and Dalton were laughing. "Naw man its still two whole boxes left." Said Dalton still laughing. "Y'all play to damn much." I said as I sat down and started eating.


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