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^^^picture of Zoe above^^^


We got to the club AFTERLIFE at 10pm there was a long line already. "Come on girls we going to the front where the bouncer was. "Hey Dom." She said. The bouncer guy smile. "Hey Lashaunta how you been come on in." Said Dom as he un-clip the rope and we went in. "How you know him?" Ask Janeka. "My aunt owns the club." She said. "Come I got us a booth." She said as she started walking. We follow her until we came to a booth that had blue lights and cream and black suede couch that look like a half a circle with a round table in the middle. "Wow bitch how you set this up?" Ask Janeka. "My aunt." Said Shaunta. "Oh well remind me to thank her later." Said Janeka as she sat down. We started laughing. "Okay well I'm going to get the drinks." I said. "Okay I'll come with." Said Yasmin as we left to get drinks.


We been at the club for a good hour me and Dejuan was sitting at the bar waiting for Dalton to get here. "Where's your boy?" I ask Dejuan. "He said he was on his way oh there he is." Said Dejuan. Dalton walks up to us and give us dap. "My bad man had some stuff I had to take care of." Said Dalton. "Oh okay let's party." Said Dejuan as we went to the dance floor. We was walking to the dance floor when some girl walks up to me. "Hey remember me." Said the girl. "Uh no should I." I said. She smile. "Yeah the girl from the mall silly." She said. "Oh yeah Asher." I said. She smile bright. "Yeah want to dance." She said. "Yeah sure." I said. She pulled me on the dance floor and started dancing. We dance to New Flame by Chris Brown and Usher. When the song ended Asher reach up to whisper in my ear. "Hey follow me." She said as she lead me off the dance floor. "Where are we going?" I ask as we turn the corner. "You'll see." She said.


Me and Yasmin came back with the drinks. "Okay girls we got our drinks." Said Yasmin. "So we drink then we hit the dance floor." Said Janeka. Zoe and Janeka was the first to finish their drinks. "Come on Zoe let's go dance. Said Janeka as they went to the dance floor. Pretty soon we all finish and went to the dance floor. We started dancing as Usher Yeah came on.


Me and Dalton was sitting at the bar drinking and talking waiting for Jase to come back since he wants to disappear and shit. "Damn man she pack her and the kids stuff." I said. "Yeah." Said Dalton as he took a shot. "Damn man I told you not to start talking to Amber again I told you she was a thot now." I said. "Yeah I know I was dumb and now I lost my kids and my girl." Said Dalton as he took another shot. "Yeah and Tiff is sexy as shit." I said as I took a shot. "Aye man." Said Dalton. I started laughing. "I was just joking man." I said. He relaxed and started drinking his drink. Just then Jase walks up to us. "Well damn where the hell was you we been waiting on you for forty minutes now. "Well Asher took me to the back and gave me some head." He said with a smirk. I slap him five. "I knew her and her friend Becky was thots." I said as Dalton and Jase started laughing. I look to the dance floor and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Janeka dancing with a white girl. "Yo it's the chick I was telling you about." I said to Jase. He looked and then looked back at me. "I didn't know she was black." Said Jase. Dalton turn to look. "Damn she bad." Said Dalton. "Wait is that Zoe?" I ask. Jase looks over. "Yeah." He said. "Come on let's go over." I said as we got up. Dalton said he was staying.


Me and Zoe was dancing on the dance floor when Dejuan from the car shop came up to us. I just keep dancing until I heard Zoe. "Omg Dejuan Jase." Said Zoe. I look as she gave Dejuan and the guy name Jase a hug. "Janeka this is my brother Jase and his child hood friend Dejuan." Said Zoe. "We met already." Dejuan and I said at the same time. Zoe look between me and Dejuan. "Did I miss something?" Ask Zoe. "No." I said. "Yeah I met miss beautiful earlier at  my shop." He said winking at me. I blush and turn away. "Wait this is the cute guy you met earlier?" Ask Zoe. I gave Zoe a death glare. "So you do think I'm cute." Said Dejuan with a big smirk. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever and Hi I'm Janeka." I said to Jase with a smile. "Hi Jase zoe big brother." He said. Wow rude much. "So Zoe who all did you come with?" Ask Jase. Guess he don't see me. "Oh yeah let me introduced you to my bestfriends." Said Zoe as we walked back to our table. 


Me and the girls was taking shots when Zoe and Janeka was walking back with two cute guys when I recognize one of the guys as the jackass from earlier. "Hey guys this is my brother Jase and his child hood friend Dejuan." Said Zoe. "Jase Dejuan this is Tia, Yasmin, Lashaunta, and Naomi." Said Zoe. "Hi." We said as I glared at Jase. "Naomi why you mean looking Jase?" Ask Janeka. "That's the ass whole I was telling y'all about." I said. Zoe looked at her brother shocked. "This is the cute jackass with the sexy eyes." Said Zoe. I gave her the death glared. "I'll shut up now." Said Zoe. "Hey Jase." Said Janeka. He looked at her and she smile then punch him right in the jaw. He fell back and grabs his jaw. "JANEKA!!!" We all shouted. "That's for disrespecting my bestfriend." She said as his friend laugh. He got up and storm off to the bathroom. That's why Janeka is my closest friend out of all my friends. "Damn ma that was a mean hook." Said a guy. "Dalton when you come over here?" Ask Dejaun. "Just now." Said Dalton. "Thanks" Said Janeka. This Dalton guy was cute and can dress. He had on a white polo black collar shirt with black jeans with black and white Jordans. "Girls and Janeka this is another close friend of mine name Dalton." Said Dejuan. Janeka rolled her eyes as we said hi. "I came over to see if I could have a dance with this pretty lady." Said Dalton. "Who me?" Ask Shaunta. "Yeah beautiful." Said Dalton. "Okay sure." She said as she got up.


"Your friend is looking pretty handsome." I said. "Who Dalton?" Ask Dejuan. "Yeah." I said. I looked at Naomi. She smile. "Yeah he is." Said Naomi. I smirk. "So I'm chop liver." Said Dejuan with a pout. I rolled my eyes he was looking sexy. He had on a one blazer dark jeans white polo shoes. It really brought out his grey eyes but I wasn't going to tell him. "You look nice."  I said. He let out a deep chuckle and move closer to me. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me to his body and whisper in my ear. "You know I look sexy as shit." He said. I blush and push him away. "Whatever." I said. "So Mr. Dejuan do you have a crush or like my bestie or something?" Ask Naomi. I glared at her and she just stick her tongue at me.  I roll my eyes. "Naomi right." He ask. "Yeah so do you?" Ask Naomi again. "Yeah I like and have a crush on your bestie she very beautiful but she act like she can't give a guy any play." He said as I blush. "Aww." Said Naomi, Tia, Zoe, and Yasmin. "He's a charmer I like him." Said Naomi. "Yeah." Said the girls. Tia, Zoe, and Yasmin got up. "Come girls to the dance floor." Said Tia as they left. "Well it looks like your friends approve." He said with a smirk. "They don't count only my one and only can approve." I said. "I did approve I said he was cute and a charmer." Said Naomi. "Naomi!!" I whined. She laugh. "I'm going to get some ice for your friend over there." Said Naomi. "Yeah sure so you can flirt with him." I said. Naomi blush. "Whatever." She said as she left


sorry readers for not updating for awhile been very busy we was moving then had death in the family but i'm over the funk i was going thru and now i'm back to writing so expect more updates so please vote and comments please and let me know about this chapter:)

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