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I was in bed sleeping when something or someone jump on me. "What the heck." I said as I pull the covers off my head. "Imari I'm trying to sleep bud. We'll play when I get up." I said as I try to pull the covers over my head. "Oh okay, but we have company." He said as Max came in barking. "What? Max stop! Who's at the door?" I ask as I get out of bed. "Naomi and her sister." Said Imari as he and Max left out. I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth when I was done threw on some shorts and a wife beater and walked into the living room. "Well good morning sleepy head." Said Naomi with a smirk. "Good morning Nadia how are you." I said and Naomi stick her tongue out at me. "Good morning Jase. I'm doing good, can we play with Max out back?" Ask Nadia with a smile. I smile at her. "Yeah go head, me and your sister going to cook breakfast." I said as Naomi makes a face. "Okay." She said as they run outside. "And who said I was going to cook breakfast I didn't even get a good morning." Said Naomi with her arms crossed. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around waist and she jumps. "Aww I'm sorry good morning beautiful can you help me make breakfast." I whisper in her ear. She swallow and nod her head yes. She pulls away and walk in the kitchen and I chuckle and follow her. When I walk in she's putting her hair in a high messy bun. "Okay so what do you want make?" She ask as she put her hands on her hips. "Um how about eggs and bacon." I said and she frowns her face. "What?" I laugh out. "That's so yawn, how about we add French toast, sausage, and some fruit." She said as she wash her hand. I laugh and wash my hands too. "Okay then, and some grits." I said while drying my hands. "Ew really, well if that's really what you want we can make it." She said as she grabs the food out the refrigerator. As I grab I grab the pan and pot out the cabinet. I turn on the radio so we can jam and cook. "Naomi!" Said Nadia as she ran into the kitchen. "Yea Dia what's up?" Ask Naomi as she put bacon on the pan. "Will you tell Imari here that hyenas are not dogs but apart of the cat family." Said Nadia as Imari came in the kitchen. "Because there not Nadia." Said Imari as he crossed his arms. "Well Imari sorry to disappoint, but Nadia's right. Hyenas are apart of the cat family." Said Naomi as she mixed the ingredients for the French toast.

Nadia pointed at Imari and whisper "I told you so

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Nadia pointed at Imari and whisper "I told you so." I chuckle at her she is so adorable. "What!" Said Imari as his arms drop. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes she sure Jasey you can look it up." Said Nadia as she put her hands on her tiny hips and roll her eyes. I busy out laughing this little lady is something else. "Okay I believe her." I said holding my hands up. "Okay then,  come on Mari let's go back outside." Said Nadia as she grabs his hand. He blushes. "I told you to stop calling me that." Said Imari as she drags him outside. We been cooking for a good ten minutes when one of my favorite songs came on I turn it up and start singing it. Naomi looks at me and raise a brow. She probably don't know this song. "I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm alright I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home I don't care what you say anymore, this my life Go ahead with your own life and leave me alone." Sang Naomi as I look at her shocked. Wow didn't know she knew Billy Joel. "They will tell you, you can't sleep alone in a strange place Then they'll tell you, you can't sleep with somebody else Ah, but sooner or later you sleep in your own space Either way it's okay you wake up with yourself." I sang as Naomi smile. "I don't need you to worry for me cause I'm alright I don't want you to tell me it's time to come home I don't care what you say anymore, this is my life Go head with your life and leave mine alone." We sang and danced around the kitchen. Laughing too. "And you can speak your mind But not own my time." Sang Naomi as she shake her hips and I lick my lips. "Okay that was the last french toast now that's left is the eggs." She said as she pours the eggs into the pan. "Okay, so i didn't know you listen to Billy Joel?" I ask her. She looks at me confused. "What who is that?" She ask with this confused look still on het face. My face drop. "Um uh I though-" she cut me off with her laughter now I had a confused look. "Your face was priceless." She said holding her side. I frown my face. "It wasn't that funny." I said crossing my arms. She laugh harder. "Yes it was, but anywho yes I listen to Billy Joel I'm a diverse kind of chick." She said with a smile which made me smile. We got back to cooking and pretty soon we were done I called Imari and Nadia in to eat. They went to wash their hands as I fill Max's bowl and then wash my hands. Imari and Nadia came into the dinning room and sat at the table. "Are we still going to the beach and aquarium?" Ask Nadia as Naomi sat a plate in front of her and Imari. "Thank you." They said. "Your welcome, and yes we still going. Do y'all wanna come?" Ask Naomi as she hands me a plate. I thank her and we sit down. "Well bud do you wanna go?" I ask Imari as he stick a piece of bacon in his mouth. He nod his head yes. "As long as still go go-kart riding." Said Imari eating another piece. I laugh. "Yes bud we still going." I said as I stick a piece of bacon in my mouth.


I was sleeping in bed when something wet and cold touch my foot. It stop so I went back to sleep and it started again. "Oreo stop licking my feet." I said as I turn over in bed. I didn't feel anything so I was on my back to sleep when Oreo jumps on me pulling at the covers. "Ugh Oreo I'm trying to sleep not play." I say as I here laughing in the background. I see Dejuan lean against the door way with his arms crossed. "I'm glad you find this funny." I said as Dejuan picks up Oreo and walks to the bed. "Aw she just wanna play." Said Dejuan as he bend down and give me a kiss. I smile. "Whatever." I said as I lay back down. Dejuan pulls the covers off me. "What the hell trying to sleep here." I said throwing pillow at him which he caught. "Well sleeping beauty I wanna take my girl out to IHOP for breakfast but if sh- before he could finish I got up and ran into the bathroom. I love IHOP it's one of my favorite breakfast place to eat I heard Dejuan laugh as I shut the door. Twenty minutes later I was coming down the stairs I walk into the living room and see Dejuan sitting on the couch watching tv. "You ready to go?" He ask. "Yeah." I said as he stands up and we walk to the door. "Wait Darren not coming?" I ask as we walk to the car. "No he still sleep." Said Dejuan as he opens the door for me. I smile thank him and get in the car. "You could of woke him what if he gets hungry." I said as he get in the car. He puts on his seatbelt. "Nah he seem really tired from hanging with you all night." He said and I laugh. "Jealous much." I said as he start the car. "Pfft of that little kid, but I'll bring him something back." He said and I lean in and kiss his cheek. "Aww that's sweet." I said. "Yea yea." He said as we pull out and I laugh.

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